第25回 【コロナ禍による石油需要の低迷】 2021年4月4日(日)
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※ 筆者模範翻訳は、2021年4月11日(日)掲載予定

昨年、20年以上ぶりの安値を記録後、原油価格は回復し、 国際的な指標であるブレント原油は、1バレル55ドルを超えて上昇した。
Global oil demand is expected be lower in the latter half of 2021 than previously expected, based on the analysis presented by the International Energy Agency (IEA), due to repeated lockdowns to further contain consumption hard-hit by the pandemic.
After the prices tumbling to a more than twenty-year low last year, crude prices have rebounded with Brent crude oil, the international benchmark, climbing back above $55 a barrel.
Yet the prices are still $15-$20 a barrel lower than before the Covid-19 outbreak despite a historic production cut agreement between OPEC and its allies, known as OPEC+ to help prop up the market.
With the global economy unlikely to normalize any time soon and oil demand not expected to improve, it seems highly likely that the prices will remain low for the foreseeable future.
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