

株価変動準備金Reserve for stock price fluctuation
内訳Profit attributable to
内訳Comprehensive income attributable to
分配準備積立金Reserve for distribution
1年以内に期限到来の関係会社長期借入金Current portion of long-term borrowings from subsidiaries and associates
1年以内に期限到来の固定負債Current portion of non-current liabilities
1年以内償還予定特定社債Current portion of specific bonds payable
1年以内返済予定特定借入れCurrent portion of specific borrowings
1年内に支払う鉄道施設購入長期未払金Current portion of long-term accounts payable – railway facilities
1年内回収予定の関係会社長期貸付金Current portion of long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates
1年内回収予定の差入保証金Current portion of guarantee deposits
1年内回収予定の長期貸付金Current portion of long-term loans receivable
1年内期限到来予定のその他の固定負債Current portion of other non-current liabilities
1年内支払予定の債権流動化に伴う長期支払債務Current portion of long-term payables under securitization of lease receivables
1年内償還予定の社債Current portion of bonds payable
1年内償還予定の新株予約権付社債Current portion of bonds with share acquisition rights
1年内償還予定の転換社債Current portion of convertible bonds
1年内償還予定の投資法人債Current portion of investment corporation bonds
1年内返還予定の預り保証金Current portion of guarantee deposits received
1年内返済予定の関係会社長期借入金Current portion of long-term borrowings from subsidiaries and associates
1年内返済予定の長期借入金Current portion of long-term borrowings
CP利息Interest on commercial papers
ETCマイレージサービス引当金Provision for ETC mileage service
ETCマイレージサービス引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for ETC mileage service
LNG供給事業営業収益Operating revenue – LNG supply business
LNG供給事業営業費用Operating expenses – LNG supply business
LNG販売収益Revenue from LNG sales
LNG販売費用LNG sales expenses
カード事業収入Revenue – card
ガスホルダー修繕引当金Provision for gas holder repairs
ガスホルダー修繕引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for gas holder repairs
ガスホルダー修繕引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for gas holder repairs
ガス供給事業営業収益Operating revenue – gas supply business
ガス供給事業営業費用Operating expenses – gas supply business
ガス事業売上高Sales from gas business
ガス売上Gas sales
ガス売上原価Cost of gas sales
キャッシュ・フロー計算書Statement of cash flows
コース勘定Golf courses
コール・オプション(買)Call options
コール・オプション(売)Call options
コール・ローンCall loans
コールマネーCall money
コールマネー及び売渡手形Call money and bills sold
コールマネー等の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in call money
コールマネー利息Interest on call money
コールマネー利息及び売渡手形利息Interest on call money and bills sold
コールローンCall loans
コールローン及び買入手形Call loans and bills bought
コールローン等の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in call loans
コールローン利息Interest on call loans
コールローン利息及び買入手形利息Interest on call loans and bills bought
コマーシャル・ペーパーCommercial papers
コマーシャル・ペーパーの純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in commercial papers
コマーシャル・ペーパーの純増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in commercial papers
コマーシャル・ペーパーの償還による支出Redemption of commercial papers
コマーシャル・ペーパーの増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in commercial papers
コマーシャル・ペーパーの発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of commercial papers
コマーシャル・ペーパー利息Interest on commercial papers
コミットメントフィーCommitment fee
ゴルフ会員権Golf club membership
ゴルフ会員権の取得による支出Purchase of golf club memberships
ゴルフ会員権の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of golf club memberships
ゴルフ会員権貸倒引当金繰入額Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts of golf club membership
ゴルフ会員権売却益Gain on sales of golf memberships
ゴルフ会員権売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of golf club memberships
ゴルフ会員権評価損Loss on valuation of golf club membership
コンサルティング事業営業収益Operating revenue – consulting business
コンサルティング事業営業費用Operating expenses – consulting business
コンサルティング収入Consulting income
サービス売上原価Cost of service sales
サービス売上高Service sales
じゅう器備品Furniture and equipment
じゅう器備品(純額)Furniture and equipment, net
シンジケートローン手数料Commission for syndicated loans
スクラップ売却益Gain on sales of scraps
ストックオプションの行使による収入Proceeds from exercise of employee share options
スポーツ施設収入Revenue – sports facilities
セール・アンド・リースバックによる収入Proceeds from sale and leaseback transactions
その他Other, net
その他Construction in progress – other
その他(純額)Other, net
その他のたな卸資産Other inventories
その他のたな卸資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other inventories
その他のトレーディング損益Other net trading income
その他のレジャー事業収入Revenue – other leisure
その他の一般管理費Other general and administrative expenses
その他の引当金Other provisions
その他の引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in other provisions
その他の営業外損益(△は益)Other non-operating expenses (income)
その他の営業活動による増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) by other operating activities
その他の営業支出Payments for other operating activities
その他の営業資産Other operating assets
その他の営業資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other operating assets
その他の営業収入Other operating revenue
その他の営業貸付債権Accounts receivable – other loans to customers
その他の営業費用Other operating expenses
その他の関係会社投資Other investments in subsidiaries and associates
その他の関係会社有価証券Investments in other securities of subsidiaries and associates
その他の器械備品Other instrument and equipment
その他の器械備品(純額)Other instrument and equipment, net
その他の教育研究・附属事業収入Other proceeds from education and research and incidental operation
その他の金融収益Other financial revenue
その他の金融商品Other financial instruments
その他の金融費用Other financial expenses
その他の経費Other expenses
その他の経費Other expenses
その他の原価Other costs
その他の固定資産Other non-current assets
その他の固定資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other non-current assets
その他の固定負債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in other non-current liabilities
その他の差入保証金Guarantee deposits for others
その他の仕入債務の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in other trade payables
その他の支出Other payments
その他の支払利息Other interest expenses
その他の施設利用権Right to use other facilities
その他の資産Rest of other assets
その他の資産Rest of other assets
その他の資産Other assets
その他の資産・負債の増減額Increase/decrease in other assets/liabilities
その他の資産で1年内に現金化できると認められるものOther assets – encashed within one year
その他の資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other assets
その他の資産の部Other assets
その他の事業外収益Other non-operating income
その他の事業外費用Other non-operating expenses
その他の事業原価Cost of sales in other businesses
その他の事業収益Other business revenue
その他の事業収入Other business revenue
その他の事業総利益又はその他の事業総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – other business
その他の事業売上原価Cost of sales in other businesses
その他の事業売上高Sales in other businesses
その他の事業費用Other business expenses
その他の社債Other bonds payable
その他の社債償還による支出Redemption of other bonds
その他の社債発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of other bonds
その他の社債発行費Other bond issuance costs
その他の受入手数料Other fees received
その他の受入保証金Guarantee deposits received for others
その他の受入利息Other interest income
その他の収益Other revenue
その他の収入Other revenue
その他の収入Other proceeds
その他の出資剰余金控除額Other deduction from unitholders’ capital surplus
その他の出資総額控除額Other deduction from unitholders’ capital
その他の償却額Depreciation and amortization on other
その他の商品売買損益Other net gain on goods trading
その他の商品有価証券Other trading account securities
その他の証券Other securities
その他の人件費Other personnel expenses
その他の設備Other facilities
その他の損益(△は益)Other loss (gain)
その他の長期借入金Other long-term borrowings
その他の電気事業固定資産Other electric utility plant and equipment
その他の投資活動による増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) by other investing activities
その他の投資評価損Loss on valuation of other investments
その他の特定取引資産Other trading assets
その他の特定取引収益Other trading income
その他の特定取引費用Other trading expenses
その他の特定取引負債Other trading liabilities
その他の特別損益(△は益)Other extraordinary loss (income)
その他の売上原価Other cost of sales
その他の売上高Other sales
その他の売上高Other net sales
その他の売上債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other trade receivables
その他の売上総利益又はその他の売上総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – other
その他の販売費Other selling expenses
その他の負債Rest of other liabilities
その他の負債で1年内に支払又は返済されると認められるものOther liabilities – payable within one year
その他の負債で流動負債に属しないものOther liabilities – not current liabilities
その他の負債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in other liabilities
その他の返戻金支払による支出Other refund payment
その他の包括利益Other comprehensive income
その他の包括利益に係る税効果額Income tax relating to other comprehensive income
その他の未収入金Other accounts receivable
その他の無形固定資産Other intangible assets
その他の無形固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of other intangible assets
その他の無形資産で流動資産又は投資たる資産に属しないものOther intangible assets not classified as current assets or investments
その他の役務収益Other fees and commissions
その他の有形固定資産で流動資産または投資たる資産に属しないものOther tangible assets not classified as current assets or investments
その他の預り金Deposits for others
その他の預金Other deposits
その他の預託金Cash segregated as deposits for others
その他の立替金Advance payments for others
その他の流動資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other current assets
その他の流動負債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities
その他一般管理費Other general and administrative expenses
その他運航費Other navigation expenses
その他運用収益Other investment income
その他運用費用Other investment expenses
その他営業雑収益Other miscellaneous operating revenue
その他営業雑費用Other miscellaneous operating expenses
その他営業収益Other operating revenue
その他営業費用Other operating expenses
その他海運業収益Other shipping business revenue
その他海運業費用Other shipping business expenses
その他外貨収益金Other foreign currency revenue
その他外貨費用Other foreign currency costs
その他業務収益Other ordinary income
その他業務費用Other ordinary expenses
その他業務費用Other ordinary expenses
その他経常収益Other income
その他経常収益Other operating income
その他経常費用Other expenses
その他経常費用Other operating expenses
その他資産Other assets
その他資産(除く投資活動関連、財務活動関連)の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other investing and financing activities assets
その他資産償却Amortization of other assets
その他資産負債差額Other assets liabilities difference
その他資本剰余金Other capital surplus
その他事業営業収益Operating revenue – other businesses
その他事業営業収益Other business operating revenue
その他事業営業費Operating expenses – other businesses
その他事業営業費用Other business operating expenses
その他事業営業利益Operating profit – other businesses
その他事業営業利益又はその他事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – other businesses
その他事業固定資産Non-current assets – other businesses
その他事業収益Other business revenue
その他事業費用Other business expenses
その他事業未収金Accounts receivable – other business
その他事業未収金(純額)Accounts receivable – other business, net
その他事業未払金Accounts payable – other business
その他事業利益又はその他事業損失(△)Other business profit (loss)
その他収益Other revenue
その他船費Other ship expenses
その他賃貸事業収入Other leasing business revenue
その他費用Other expenses
その他負債(除く投資活動関連、財務活動関連)の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in other investing and financing activities liabilities
その他附帯事業営業収益Operating revenue – other businesses
その他附帯事業営業費用Operating expenses – other businesses
その他附帯事業収益Revenue from other incidental businesses
その他附帯事業費用Expenses for other incidental businesses
その他返戻金Other refunds
その他保険引受収益Other underwriting income
その他保険引受費用Other underwriting expenses
その他未収収益Other accrued revenue
その他未払金Other accounts payable
その他未払費用Other accrued expenses
その他有価証券Other securities
その他有価証券の減損処理による増減Impairment of available-for-sale securities
その他有価証券の売却による増減Sales of available-for-sale securities
その他有価証券評価差額金Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities
その他有価証券評価差額金(税引前)Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities, before tax
その他利益剰余金Other retained earnings
その他利息配当金Other interest and dividends
ソフトウエアの取得による支出Purchase of software
ソフトウエア仮勘定Software in progress
ソフトウエア開発売上原価Cost of sales of software development
ソフトウエア開発売上高Sales of software development
ソフトウエア除却損Loss on retirement of software
ソフトウエア償却費Amortization of software
たな卸資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in inventories
たな卸資産処分損Loss on disposal of inventories
たな卸資産除却損Loss on retirement of inventories
たな卸資産廃棄損Loss on abandonment of inventories
たな卸資産評価損Loss on valuation of inventories
たな卸不動産Real estate for sale and development projects in progress
データ伝送収入Digital data transmission services
デリバティブ債務Derivatives liabilities
デリバティブ評価益Gain on valuation of derivatives
デリバティブ評価損Loss on valuation of derivatives
デリバティブ評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on valuation of derivatives
テレビ収入Income from television business
ドック船台Docks and building berths
ドック船台(純額)Docks and building berths, net
トレーディング商品Trading products
トレーディング商品(資産)の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in trading products (assets)
トレーディング商品(負債)の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in trading products (liabilities)
トレーディング商品の増減額Decrease (increase) in trading products – assets (liabilities)
トレーディング商品評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) from valuation of trading products
トレーディング損益Net trading income
のれんの取得による支出Acquisition of goodwill
のれん償却額Amortization of goodwill
ハイウェイカード偽造損失補てん引当金Provision for loss on forged highway card
ビル業収益Building business revenue
ビル業費用Building business expenses
ファイナンス・リース債務の返済による支出Repayments of finance lease obligations
ファイナンス原価Finance costs
ファイナンス収益Finance revenue
プット・オプション(買)Put options
プット・オプション(売)Put options
プログラム等準備金Reserve for software programs
プログラム等準備金の取崩Reversal of reserve for software programs
ヘッジ会計の終了による増減Closing of hedging
ヘッジ対象の損益認識による増減Realized gain or loss on hedged object
ポイント引当金Provision for point card certificates
ポイント引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for point card certificates
ポイント引当金繰入額Provision for point card certificates
ホテル事業収入Revenue – hotel
ラジオ収入Income from radio business
リース解約損Loss on cancellation of leases
リース原価Lease costs
リース債権Lease receivables
リース債権(純額)Lease receivables, net
リース債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in lease receivables
リース債権及びリース投資資産Lease receivables and investments in leases
リース債権及びリース投資資産(純額)Lease receivables and investments in leases, net
リース債権及びリース投資資産の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in lease receivables and investments in leases
リース債権及びリース投資資産の増減額(△は増加)Net decrease (increase) in lease receivables and investments in leases
リース債務Lease obligations
リース債務の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in lease obligations
リース債務の返済による支出Repayments of lease obligations
リース資産Leased assets
リース資産(純額)Leased assets, net
リース資産減損勘定Accumulated impairment loss on leased assets
リース資産処分損引当金Provision for loss on disposal of property for lease
リース収益Lease revenue
リース投資資産Investments in leases
リース投資資産(純額)Investments in leases, net
リース投資資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in investments in leases
リース売上高Lease sales
リース用資産の取得による支出Purchase of property for lease
レジャー事業収入Revenue – leisure
レンタル売上高Rental sales
ロイヤリティー収入Royalty income
ローン保証引当金Provision for guarantee for loans
圧縮記帳積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry
圧縮記帳積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry
圧縮記帳積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry
圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry
圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry
圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry
圧縮未決算特別勘定Special suspense account for tax purpose reduction entry
案内宣伝費Advertising expenses
委託計算費Data processing outsourcing expenses
委託者先物取引差金Futures transaction margin – customer
委託者先物取引差金(借方)の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in futures transaction margin – customer (debit)
委託者先物取引差金(貸方)の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in futures transaction margin – customer (credit)
委託者報酬Investment trust management fee
委託者未収金Accounts receivable – customer
委託者未収金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable – customer
委託者未払金Accounts payable – customer
委託者未払金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accounts payable – customer
委託手数料Brokerage commission
委託調査費Research outsourcing expenses
意匠権Design right
為替換算調整勘定Foreign currency translation adjustment
為替換算調整勘定(税引前)Foreign currency translation adjustment, before tax
為替差損Foreign exchange losses
為替差損益Foreign exchange gains or losses
為替差損益(△は益)Foreign exchange losses (gains)
為替未収入金Accounts receivable – foreign exchange
為替未払金Accounts payable – foreign exchange
為替予約Forward exchange contracts
移転費用Relocation expenses
移転費用の支払額Payments of relocation expenses
移転補償金Compensation for forced relocation
移転補償金の受取額Proceeds from compensation for forced relocation
維持運転費Maintenance and operating expenses
違約金収入Penalty income
医療用器械備品Medical instrument and equipment
医療用器械備品(純額)Medical instrument and equipment, net
一時差異等調整引当額Allowance for temporary difference adjustments
一時差異等調整引当額による利益超過分配Distributions in excess of earnings from allowance for temporary difference adjustments
一時差異等調整引当額による利益超過分配金の支払額Distributions paid in excess of earnings from allowance for temporary difference adjustments
一時差異等調整引当額の戻入Reversal of allowance for temporary difference adjustments
一時差異等調整積立金Reserve for temporary difference adjustments
一時差異等調整積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for temporary difference adjustments
一時差異等調整積立金の積立Provision of reserve for temporary difference adjustments
一般管理費General and administrative expenses
一般事務委託手数料Administrative service fees
一般貸付General loans
一般貸付金利息Interest on general loans
一般旅客自動車運送事業営業利益又は一般旅客自動車運送事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – general passenger automobile traffic
一部解約に伴う当期純利益金額の分配額又は一部解約に伴う当期純損失金額の分配額(△)Distribution of profit loss from partial redemptions
一部交換に伴う当期純利益金額の分配額又は一部交換に伴う当期純損失金額の分配額(△)Distribution of profit loss from partial exchange
印刷費Print expenses
引受け・売出し・特定投資家向け売付け勧誘等の手数料Commission for underwriting, secondary distribution and solicitation for selling and others for professional investors
引受け・売出し手数料Underwriting and distribution commission
引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provisions
運航費Navigation expenses
運送営業費Transportation operating expenses
運送雑収Miscellaneous transportation income
運送雑収Revenue – automobile miscellaneous
運送収入Transportation income
運送費Transportation costs
運送費及び保管費Transportation and storage costs
運賃Freight costs
運賃Freight and other
運賃及び荷造費Freight and packing costs
運賃諸掛Freight and incidental costs
運搬費Transportation costs
運輸営業費Operating expenses – transportation
運輸業等営業費及び売上原価Operating expenses and cost of sales of transportation
運輸雑収Miscellaneous income of transportation
運輸雑収Revenue – transportation miscellaneous
運用受託報酬Management fee
運用費Operating expenses
営業外支払手形Non-operating notes payable
営業外受取手形Non-operating notes receivable
営業外収益Non-operating income
営業外電子記録債権Electronically recorded monetary claims – non-operating
営業外電子記録債務Electronically recorded obligations – non-operating
営業外費用Non-operating expenses
営業活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from operating activities
営業活動によるキャッシュ・フローNet cash provided by (used in) operating activities
営業活動による収益Revenue from operating activities
営業活動による収益の内訳Revenue from operating activities – detail
営業活動による費用・売上原価COS and expenses from operating activities
営業活動による費用・売上原価の内訳COS and expenses from operating activities – detail
営業活動及び資産運用活動計Total of net cash provided by (used in) operating activities and investment transactions
営業経費General and administrative expenses
営業経費支出Payments for ordinary expenses
営業原価Operating costs
営業原価Operating costs
営業債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in trade receivables
営業債務の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in trade payables
営業雑経費Operating miscellaneous expenses
営業雑収益Miscellaneous operating revenue
営業雑費用Miscellaneous operating expenses
営業収益Operating revenue
営業収入Operating revenue
営業収入Receipts from operating revenue
営業出資金Operating investments in capital
営業譲受による支出Payments for acquisition of businesses
営業総収入Gross operating revenue
営業総利益又は営業総損失(△)Operating gross profit (loss)
営業貸付金Operating loans
営業貸付金Accounts receivable – operating loans
営業貸付金(純額)Accounts receivable, net – operating loans
営業貸付金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in operating loans receivable
営業貸付金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in operating loans
営業貸付金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable – operating loans
営業貸付金利息Interest on operating loans
営業貸付収益Revenue – operating loans
営業投資有価証券Operational investment securities
営業投資有価証券の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in investment securities for sale
営業投資有価証券売上原価Cost of operational investment securities
営業投資有価証券売上高Revenue from operational investment securities
営業投資有価証券売買損益Net gain on trading of investment securities for sale
営業費Operating expenses
営業費Business expenses
営業費及び一般管理費Sales and administrative expenses
営業費及び一般管理費の支出Sales and administrative expenses payment
営業費用Operating expenses
営業未収入金Trade accounts receivable
営業未収入金Operating accounts receivable
営業未収入金(純額)Operating accounts receivable, net
営業未収入金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in operating accounts receivable
営業未払金Trade accounts payable
営業未払金Operating accounts payable
営業未払金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in operating accounts payable
営業利益又は営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss)
営業利益又は営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss)
衛星利用権Right to use satellites
衛生費Medical expenses
衛生費Medical expenses
音声伝送収入Voice communications
仮受金Suspense receipt
仮受消費税等Suspense receipt of consumption taxes
仮払金Suspense payments
価格変動準備金Reserve for price fluctuation
価格変動準備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserve for price fluctuation
価格変動準備金繰入額Provision of reserve for price fluctuation
価格変動準備金戻入額Reversal of reserve for price fluctuation
価額変動準備金取崩し額Reversal of reserve for price fluctuation
価額変動準備金積立額Provision of reserve for price fluctuation
加工中等核燃料Nuclear fuel in processing
加工料収入Processing income
加盟店からの収入Income from franchised stores
加盟店借勘定Accounts payable – due to franchised stores
加盟店貸勘定Accounts receivable – due from franchised stores
科学研究費補助金Subsidies for scientific research
荷造運搬費Packing and transportation costs
荷造及び発送費Packing and delivery expenses
荷造費Packing expenses
貨物運輸収入Freight transportation
貨物費Freight expenses
過年度退職給付費用Retirement benefit expenses for prior periods
過年度法人税等Income taxes for prior periods
過年度法人税等戻入額Refund of income taxes for prior periods
会員勘定Shareholders’ equity
会員権の取得による支出Purchase of memberships
会員権の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of membership
会員権売却益Gain on sales of memberships
会員権売却損Loss on sales of membership
会員権売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of membership
会員権評価損Loss on valuation of membership
会員預り金Deposits received from members
会員預り金の返還による支出Refund of deposits received from members
会議費Meeting expenses
会計監査人報酬Audit fee
会計方針の変更による累積的影響額Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies
会計方針の変更を反映した当期首残高Restated balance
会社分割による増加Increase by corporate division
会費・寄付金Membership expenses and donations
解約差益金Gain on cancellation
解約差損金Loss on cancellation
解約返戻金Surrender benefits
解約返戻金支払による支出Surrender refund payment
回数券払戻引当金Provision for refund of coupon tickets
海運業収益Shipping business revenue
海運業収益及びその他の営業収益Shipping business revenue and other operating revenue
海運業費用Shipping business expenses
海運業費用及びその他の営業費用Shipping business expenses and other operating expenses
海運業未収金Accounts receivable – shipping
海運業未収金(純額)Accounts receivable – shipping, net
海運業未払金Accounts payable – shipping
海運業利益又は海運業損失(△)Shipping business profit (loss)
海外投資等損失準備金Reserve for overseas investment loss
海外投資等損失準備金の取崩Reversal of reserve for overseas investment loss
海外投資等損失準備金の積立Provision of reserve for overseas investment loss
海底線使用権Right to use submarine line facilities
海底線設備Submarine line facilities
海底線設備(純額)Submarine line facilities, net
開業費Business commencement expenses
開業費償却Amortization of business commencement expenses
開設費School establishment expenses
開発研究費Development and research expenses
開発事業Construction in progress – development
開発事業営業収益Operating revenue – development
開発事業営業費Operating expenses – development
開発事業営業利益Operating profit – development
開発事業営業利益Operating profit – development
開発事業営業損失Operating loss – development
開発事業固定資産Non-current assets – development
開発事業総利益又は開発事業総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – development business
開発事業等支出金Costs on development business and other
開発事業等総利益又は開発事業等総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) on development business and other
開発事業等売上原価Cost of sales in development business and other
開発事業等売上高Net sales in development business and other
開発事業売上原価Cost of sales in development business
開発事業売上高Sales in development business
開発事業未収入金Accounts receivable – development business
開発費Development expenses
開発費償却Amortization of development expenses
外国為替Foreign exchanges
外国為替(資産)の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in foreign exchanges – assets
外国為替(負債)の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in foreign exchanges – liabilities
外国為替差入証拠金Margin for foreign exchange
外国為替取引預り証拠金Customers’ deposits received for foreign exchange transaction
外国為替受入証拠金Margin deposits received for foreign exchange
外国為替売買益Gain on foreign exchange transactions
外国為替売買損Loss on foreign exchange transactions
外国再保険借Foreign reinsurance accounts payable
外国再保険貸Foreign reinsurance accounts receivable
外国証券Foreign securities
外国他店借Due to foreign banks (our accounts)
外国他店貸Due from foreign banks (their accounts)
外国他店預けDue from foreign banks (our accounts)
外国他店預りDue to foreign banks (their accounts)
外国代理店貸Foreign agency accounts receivable
外国投資勘定Foreign investment accounts
外注費Outsourcing expenses
各事業関連Construction in progress – shared
各事業関連固定資産Non-current assets – shared
各事業共用固定資産Non-current assets – shared
各事業共用固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of shared Non-current assets
各事業共用固定資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of affiliated non-current assets
各事業共用固定資産減価償却費Depreciation of shared Non-current assets
各事業共用固定資産売却益Gain on sales of affiliated non-current assets
核燃料Nuclear fuel
核燃料減損額Amortization of nuclear fuel
学校債School bonds payable
学校債の償還による支出Redemption of school bonds
学校債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of school bonds
学校債発行費School bond issuance costs
学生生徒等納付金Student fees
学生生徒等納付金収入Proceeds from student fees
割引手形Bills discounted
割引手形の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in notes discounted
割増退職金Extra retirement payments
割賦原価Installment costs
割賦購入あっせん収益Revenue from agency services of installment purchase
割賦債権Installment receivables
割賦債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in installment receivables
割賦債務Installment payables
割賦債務の返済による支出Repayments of installment payables
割賦売掛金Accounts receivable – installment
割賦売掛金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable – installment
割賦売上高Installment sales
割賦販売売上高Installment sales
割賦販売未実現利益繰入額Provision of unrealized income on installment sales
割賦販売未実現利益戻入額Reversal of unrealized income on installment sales
割賦未実現利益Deferred profit on installment sales
割賦利益繰延Deferred installment income
割賦利益繰延の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in deferred installment income
渇水準備引当金Reserve for water shortage
渇水準備引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserve for water shortage
渇水準備引当金取崩し(貸方)Reversal of reserve for water shortage
渇水準備金引当Provision of reserve for water shortage
渇水準備金引当又は取崩しProvision or reversal of reserve for water shortage
株価変動準備金取崩し額Reversal of reserve for stock price fluctuation
株価変動準備金積立額Provision of reserve for stock price fluctuation
株券等トレーディング損益Net trading income from securities
株式の発行による支出Payments for issuance of shares
株式の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of shares
株式移転による増加Increase by share transfers
株式給付引当金Provision for share-based remuneration
株式給付引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for share-based remuneration
株式給付引当金繰入額Provision for share-based remuneration
株式交換による増加Increase by share exchanges
株式交付費Share issuance costs
株式交付費償却Amortization of share issuance costs
株式公開費用Going public expenses
株式等償却Loss on devaluation of equity securities
株式等売却益Gain on sales of equity securities
株式等売却損Loss on sales of equity securities
株式報酬費用Share-based remuneration expenses
株主、役員又は従業員からの短期借入金Short-term borrowings from shareholders, directors (and other officers) or employees
株主、役員又は従業員からの長期借入金Long-term borrowings from shareholders, directors (and other officers) or employees
株主、役員又は従業員からの預り金Deposits received from shareholders, directors (and other officers) or employees
株主、役員又は従業員に対する短期債権Short-term receivables from shareholders, directors (and other officers) or employees
株主、役員又は従業員に対する短期債権(純額)Short-term receivables from shareholders, directors (and other officers) or employees, net
株主、役員又は従業員に対する長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from shareholders, directors (and other officers) or employees
株主、役員又は従業員に対する長期貸付金(純額)Long-term loans receivable from shareholders, directors (and other officers) or employees, net
株主資本Shareholders’ equity
株主資本以外の項目の当期変動額(純額)Net changes in items other than shareholders’ equity
株主資本等変動計算書Statement of changes in equity
株主優待引当金Provision for shareholder benefit program
株主優待引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for shareholder benefit program
株主優待引当金繰入額Provision for shareholder benefit program
完成業務原価Cost of completed service contracts
完成業務高Completed service contracts
完成業務未収入金Accounts receivable – completed service contracts
完成工事原価Cost of sales of completed construction contracts
完成工事高Net sales of completed construction contracts
完成工事総利益又は完成工事総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) on completed construction contracts
完成工事補償引当金Provision for warranties for completed construction
完成工事補償引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for warranties for completed construction
完成工事補償引当金繰入額Provision for warranties for completed construction
完成工事補償引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for warranties for completed construction
完成工事未収入金Accounts receivable from completed construction contracts
環境対策引当金Provision for environmental measures
環境対策引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for environmental measures
環境対策引当金繰入額Provision for environmental measures
環境対策費Environmental expenses
管理経費Management expenses
管理経費の支出Payments of management expenses
管理費Administrative expenses
管理費用Administrative expenses
観光事業収入Revenue – tourism
還付加算金Interest on tax refund
還付消費税等Consumption taxes refund
関係会社の整理による収入Proceeds from liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社株式Shares of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社株式その他流動資産に属しない有価証券Shares of subsidiaries and associates and other non-current securities
関係会社株式の取得による支出Purchase of shares of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社株式の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社株式売却益Gain on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社株式売却損Loss on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社株式売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社株式評価損Loss on valuation of shares of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社支援損Loss on support to subsidiaries and associates
関係会社事業損失Loss on business of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社事業損失引当金Provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社事業損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社事業損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社事業損失引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for loss on business of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社社債Bonds of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社受取手形Notes receivable from subsidiaries and associates – trade
関係会社受取配当金Dividends from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社受入手数料Commissions from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社出資金Investments in capital of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社出資金の払込による支出Payments for investments in capital of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社出資金評価損Loss on valuation of investments in capital of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社整理損Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社整理損失引当金Provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社整理損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社整理損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社整理損失引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社清算益Gain on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社清算損Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社清算損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社貸倒引当金繰入額Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts for subsidiaries and associates
関係会社貸付けによる支出Loan advances to subsidiaries and associates
関係会社貸付金利息Interest on loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社短期債権Short-term receivables from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社短期債務Short-term debt to subsidiaries and associates
関係会社短期借入金Short-term borrowings from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社短期貸付金Short-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社短期貸付金(純額)Short-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates, net
関係会社長期債務Long-term debt to subsidiaries and associates
関係会社長期借入金Long-term borrowings from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates
関係会社長期貸付金(純額)Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates, net
関係会社長期投資Long-term investments in subsidiaries and associates
関係会社長期未収入金Long-term accounts receivable from subsidiaries and associates – other
関係会社投資Investments in subsidiaries and associates
関係会社売掛金Accounts receivable from subsidiaries and associates – trade
関係会社未収入金Accounts receivable from subsidiaries and associates – other
関係会社有価証券利息Interest on securities of subsidiaries and associates
関係会社預け金Deposits paid to subsidiaries and associates
関係会社預り金Deposits received from subsidiaries and associates
関連事業Construction in progress – related businesses
関連事業営業収益Operating revenue – related businesses
関連事業営業損益Operating revenue and expenses – related operations
関連事業営業費Operating expenses – related businesses
関連事業営業利益Operating profit – related businesses
関連事業営業利益又は関連事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – related businesses
関連事業営業利益又は関連事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) from related operations
関連事業固定資産Non-current assets – related businesses
関連事業固定資産Non-current assets – related
関連事業固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of related non-current assets
関連事業固定資産減価償却費Depreciation of related non-current assets
関連事業固定資産除却費Loss on retirement of related non-current assets
企業結合における交換損失Loss on exchange from business combination
企業結合における交換利益Gain on exchange from business combination
企業結合に係る特定勘定Provision incurred from business combination
企業結合に係る特定勘定Provision incurred from business combination
企業結合に係る特定勘定取崩益Reversal of provision incurred from business combination
器具及び備品Furniture and fixtures
器具及び備品(純額)Equipment, net
器具及び備品(純額)Furniture and fixtures, net
器具販売収益Revenue from gas appliance sales
器具販売費用Gas appliance sales expenses
器具備品(純額)Equipment, net
寄託有価証券Securities in deposit
寄附金の受入れによる収入Proceeds from donations
期首たな卸高Beginning inventories
期末たな卸高Ending inventories
機械、運搬具及び工具器具備品Machinery, vehicles, tools, furniture and fixtures
機械、運搬具及び工具器具備品(純額)Machinery, vehicles, tools, furniture and fixtures, net
機械及び装置Machinery and equipment
機械及び装置(純額)Machinery and equipment, net
機械及び装置並びにコンベヤー、ホイスト、起重機等の搬送設備その他の附属設備Machinery, equipment and other facilities – conveyor, hoist, crane and other
機械設備(純額)Machinery, net
機械装置及び運搬具Machinery, equipment and vehicles
機械装置及び運搬具(純額)Machinery, equipment and vehicles, net
汽力発電設備Thermal power production facilities
汽力発電費Thermal power production expenses
偽造ハイウェイカード損失Loss on forged highway card
技術研究費Technical research expenses
技術指導料Technical advisory fee income
休憩所等事業収入Revenue – rest station
休憩所等事業費Operating expenses – rest station
休止固定資産減価償却費Depreciation of inactive non-current assets
休止設備Inactive facilities
休止設備(純額)Inactive facilities, net
休止設備費Inactive facilities expenses
給付金支払による支出Benefits payment
給付補填備金Reserve for interest on installment savings
給料・手当Salaries and allowances
給料及び手当Salaries and allowances
給料及び賞与Salaries and bonuses
給料及び賃金Salaries and wages
給料手当Salaries and allowances
給料手当及び賞与Salaries, allowances and bonuses
給料手当及び福利費Salaries and allowances and welfare expenses
漁業権Fishery right
供給設備Distribution facilities
供給販売費Supply and sales expenses
供給販売費及び一般管理費Selling, general and administrative expenses
共通費Common expenses
共同保険借Coinsurance accounts payable
共同保険貸Coinsurance accounts receivable
協会基金Association fund
協会費Association fee
協会費諸会費Association and other membership fee
協賛金収入Sponsorship money income
教育研究・附属事業支出Payments for education and research and incidental operation
教育研究・附属事業収益Education and research and incidental operating revenue
教育研究・附属事業収入Proceeds from education and research and incidental operation
教育研究・附属事業損益Education and research and incidental operating revenue and expenses
教育研究・附属事業費用Education and research and incidental operating expenses
教育研究・附属事業利益又は教育研究・附属事業損失(△)Education and research and incidental operating profit (loss)
教育研究経費Education and research expenses
教育研究経費の支出Payments of education and research expenses
教育研究用機器備品Educational research instrument and equipment
教育研究用機器備品(純額)Educational research instrument and equipment, net
教育研修費Education and training expenses
業務委託費Outsourcing expenses
業務受託手数料Outsourcing service income
業務受託料Outsourcing service income
業務設備General facilities
業務設備Service and maintenance facilities
業務未払金Accounts payable – operating
金銭の信託Money held in trust
金銭の信託の運用損益(△は運用益)Loss (gain) on money held in trust
金銭の信託の解約による収入Proceeds from cancellation of money held in trust
金銭の信託の解約及び配当による収入Proceeds from cancellation and dividends of money held in trust
金銭の信託の減少による収入Decrease in money held in trust
金銭の信託の取得による支出Investments in money held in trust
金銭の信託の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in money held in trust
金銭の信託の設定による支出Payments for money held in trust
金銭の信託の増加による支出Increase in money held in trust
金銭の信託運用益Gain on investments in money held in trust
金銭の信託運用益Gain on money held in trust
金銭の信託運用益の受取額Gain received on money held in trust
金銭の信託運用損Loss on investments in money held in trust
金銭の信託運用損Loss on money held in trust
金銭の信託関係損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on money held in trust
金銭債権信託受益権Beneficial interests in receivables trust
金銭信託Money trusts
金融収益Financial revenue
金融商品取引責任準備金Reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities
金融商品取引責任準備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities
金融商品取引責任準備金繰入れProvision of reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities
金融商品取引責任準備金繰入額Provision of reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities
金融商品取引責任準備金取崩額Reversal of reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities
金融商品取引責任準備金戻入Reversal of reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities
金融商品取引責任準備預託金Cash segregated as deposits for financial instruments transaction liabilities
金融商品等差入担保金Cash collateral paid for financial instruments
金融商品等受入担保金Cash collateral received for financial instruments
金融派生商品Derivatives other than for trading – assets
金融派生商品Derivatives other than for trading – liabilities
金融派生商品収益Income from derivatives other than for trading or hedging
金融派生商品収益Net derivative financial instruments gain
金融派生商品損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on derivatives
金融派生商品費用Expenses on derivatives other than for trading or hedging
金融派生商品費用Net derivative financial instruments loss
金融費用Financial expenses
金利スワップInterest rate swaps
金利スワップ支払利息Interest expenses on interest rate swaps
金利スワップ資産Interest rate swap assets
金利スワップ受入利息Interest income on interest rate swaps
金利スワップ評価益Gain on valuation of interest rate swaps
金利スワップ評価損Loss on valuation of interest rate swaps
金利スワップ評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on valuation of interest rate swaps
金利スワップ負債Interest rate swap liabilities
空中線設備Antenna facilities
空中線設備(純額)Antenna facilities, net
偶発損失引当金Provision for contingent loss
偶発損失引当金の増減(△)Increase (decrease) in provision for contingent loss
偶発損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for contingent loss
偶発損失引当金繰入額Provision for contingent loss
繰越欠損金補てん額Repayment for retained loss
繰越利益剰余金Retained earnings brought forward
繰越利益積立金Profit reserve brought forward
繰延ヘッジ損益Deferred gains or losses on hedges
繰延ヘッジ損益(税引前)Deferred gains or losses on hedges, before tax
繰延及び前払費用Deferred and prepaid expenses
繰延資産Deferred assets
繰延資産の取得による支出Payments for deferred assets
繰延資産償却額Amortization of deferred assets
繰延税金資産Deferred tax assets
繰延税金負債Deferred tax liabilities
契約者配当金Dividends to policyholders
契約者配当金の支出Policyholders dividends payment
契約者配当金の支払額Dividends paid to policyholders
契約者配当金積立利息繰入額Provision of interest portion of reserve for dividends to policyholders
契約者配当金積立利息繰入額Increase in interest portion of policyholder dividends
契約者配当準備金Reserve for dividends to policyholders
契約者配当準備金繰入額Provision of reserve for dividends to policyholders
契約者配当準備金繰入額(△は戻入額)Provision (reversal) of reserve for dividends to policyholders
契約者配当準備金積立利息繰入額Interest on reserve for dividends to policyholders
経営管理料Management fee income
経営指導料Consulting fee income
経常収益Ordinary income
経常費用Ordinary expenses
経常利益又は経常損失(△)Ordinary profit (loss)
欠損填補Deficit disposition
兼業Construction in progress – sideline businesses
兼業営業収益Operating revenue – sideline businesses
兼業営業費Operating expenses – sideline businesses
兼業営業利益Operating profit – sideline businesses
兼業営業利益又は兼業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – sideline businesses
兼業固定資産Non-current assets – sideline businesses
兼業事業総利益又は兼業事業総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) on sideline business
兼業事業売上原価Cost of sales in sideline businesses
兼業事業売上高Net sales in sideline businesses
建設仮勘定Construction in progress
建設仮勘定及び除却仮勘定Construction and retirement in progress
建設協力金Construction assistance fund receivables
建設協力金の回収による収入Collection of construction assistance fund receivables
建設協力金の支払による支出Payments of construction assistance fund receivables
建物(純額)Buildings, net
建物圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of buildings
建物圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of buildings
建物圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of buildings
建物及び構築物Buildings and structures
建物及び構築物(純額)Buildings and structures, net
建物及び暖房、照明、通風等の附属設備Buildings and other facilities – heating, illumination, ventilation and other
建物除却損Loss on retirement of buildings
建物附属設備Facilities attached to buildings
建物附属設備(純額)Facilities attached to buildings, net
研究開発積立金Reserve for research and development
研究開発積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for research and development
研究開発積立金の積立Provision of reserve for research and development
研究開発費Research and development expenses
研究費Research expenses
研究費償却Amortization of capitalized research expenditures
研修費Training expenses
見本費Sample expenses
元本調整引当額Reserve for principal
元本等Principal and other
原因者負担収入Income from causative person
原価差額Cost variances
原価変動調整積立金Reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations
原価変動調整積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations
原価変動調整積立金の積立Provision of reserve for adjustment of cost fluctuations
原材料Raw materials
原材料及び貯蔵品Raw materials and supplies
原材料売上原価Cost of raw material sales
原材料売上高Sales of raw materials
原材料評価損Valuation loss on raw materials
原材料評価損Loss on valuation of raw materials
原材料又は商品の仕入れによる支出Payments for raw materials and goods
原子力損害賠償資金補助金Nuclear power compensation subsidy
原子力廃止関連仮勘定Special account related to nuclear power decommissioning
原子力廃止関連仮勘定償却費Amortization of special account related to nuclear power decommissioning
原子力発電工事償却準備引当金Reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction
原子力発電工事償却準備引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction
原子力発電工事償却準備金引当Provision of reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction
原子力発電工事償却準備金引当又は取崩しProvision or reversal of reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction
原子力発電工事償却準備金取崩し(貸方)Reversal of reserve for preparation of depreciation of nuclear power construction
原子力発電施設解体引当金Provision for decommissioning of nuclear power units
原子力発電施設解体引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for decommissioning of nuclear power units
原子力発電施設解体費Decommissioning costs of nuclear power units
原子力発電設備Nuclear power production facilities
原子力発電費Nuclear power production expenses
原賠・廃炉等支援機構資金交付金Grants-in-aid from Nuclear Damage Liability and Nuclear Reactor Decommission Facilitation Fund
原料Raw materials
原料及び材料Raw materials and materials
減価償却引当特定資産Reserved assets for depreciation
減価償却費及びその他の償却費Depreciation and amortization
減価償却累計額Accumulated depreciation
減価償却累計額及び減損損失累計額Accumulated depreciation and impairment loss
減債基金Sinking fund
減債積立金Reserve for bond sinking fund
減資Capital reduction
減損損失Impairment loss
減損損失累計額Accumulated impairment loss
現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents
現金及び現金同等物の残高Cash and cash equivalents
現金及び現金同等物の増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
現金及び預金Cash and deposits
現金及び預貯金Cash and deposits
現金預け金Cash and due from banks
現先取引勘定Gensaki transaction account
現先取引借入金Borrowings on Gensaki transactions
現先取引貸付金Loans on Gensaki transactions
個別信用購入あっせん収益Revenue from installment sales finance business
固定化営業債権Bad debts
固定化営業債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in bad debts
固定資産Non-current assets
固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of non-current assets
固定資産の除却による支出Payments for retirement of non-current assets
固定資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of non-current assets
固定資産圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets
固定資産圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets
固定資産圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets
固定資産圧縮損Loss on tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets
固定資産圧縮特別勘定積立金Reserve for special account for tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets
固定資産圧縮特別勘定積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for special account for tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets
固定資産圧縮特別勘定積立金の積立Provision of reserve for special account for tax purpose reduction entry of non-current assets
固定資産仮勘定Construction in progress
固定資産受贈益Gain on donation of non-current assets
固定資産処分益Gain on disposal of non-current assets
固定資産処分損Loss on disposal of non-current assets
固定資産処分損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on disposal of non-current assets
固定資産除却損Loss on retirement of non-current assets
固定資産除却費Non-current assets retirement costs
固定資産除売却損Loss on sales and retirement of non-current assets
固定資産除売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales and retirement of non-current assets
固定資産賃貸費用Rental expenses on non-current assets
固定資産賃貸料Rental income from non-current assets
固定資産等処分益Gain on disposal of non-current assets
固定資産等処分損Loss on disposal of non-current assets
固定資産廃棄損Loss on abandonment of non-current assets
固定資産売却益Gain on sales of non-current assets
固定資産売却損Loss on sales of non-current assets
固定資産売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of non-current assets
固定資産評価損Loss on valuation of non-current assets
固定資産臨時償却費Non-recurring depreciation on non-current assets
固定負債Non-current liabilities
雇用調整助成金Subsidies for employment adjustment
顧客からの預り金Deposits from customers
顧客への立替金Advance payments for customers on trades
顧客分別金信託Cash segregated as deposits for customers
顧客分別金信託の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in cash segregated as deposits for customers
顧問料Consulting expenses
交際費Entertainment expenses
交通費Transportation expenses
光ファイバ心線貸し事業営業収益Operating revenue – optical fiber electric wire lease business
光熱・消耗品費Heating, lighting and supplies expenses
光熱費Heating and lighting expenses
公共施設等運営権Right to operate public facilities
公共施設等運営権に係る負債Liabilities related to right to operate public facilities
公共施設利用権Right to use public facilities
公告費Publication expenses
厚生年金基金代行返上益Gain on transfer of benefit obligation relating to employees’ pension fund
厚生年金基金代行返上損Loss on transfer of benefit obligation relating to employees’ pension fund
厚生年金基金代行返上損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on transfer of benefit obligation relating to employees’ pension fund
厚生福利施設費Welfare facilities expenses
工業所有権Industrial property
工具、器具及び備品Tools, furniture and fixtures
工具、器具及び備品(純額)Tools, furniture and fixtures, net
工事損失引当金Provision for loss on construction contracts
工事損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on construction contracts
工事損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on construction contracts
工事売上原価Cost of construction sales
工事売上高Construction sales
工事負担金等圧縮額Tax purpose reduction entry of contribution for construction
工事負担金等受入による収入Proceeds from contribution received for construction
工事負担金等受入額Contribution for construction
工事負担金等受入額Proceeds from contribution for construction
工事未払金Accounts payable for construction contracts
広告業固定資産Non-current assets – advertising
広告収入Revenue – advertising
広告宣伝費Advertising expenses
広告宣伝費及び販売促進費Advertising and promotion expenses
構築物(純額)Structures, net
港費Port expenses
航空貨物業固定資産Non-current assets – air cargo
航空貨物収入Air cargo revenue
航空機(純額)Aircraft, net
鉱業権Mining right
鋼索鉄道事業営業利益又は鋼索鉄道事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – cable railway
高速道路事業営業損益Operating revenue and expenses from highway business
高速道路事業営業未収入金Trade accounts receivable – highway business
高速道路事業営業未払金Trade accounts payable – highway business
高速道路事業営業利益又は高速道路事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) from highway business
高速道路事業固定資産Non-current assets – highway business
高速道路事業固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of highway non-current assets
高速道路事業固定資産減価償却費Depreciation of highway non-current assets
高速道路事業固定資産除却費Loss on retirement of highway non-current assets
高速道路事業受託業務前受金Advances received for highway management
高速道路事業受託業務前払金Advance payments for highway management
高速道路等事業管理費及び売上原価Administration costs of highway business and cost of sales
合併による商品受入高Transfer of goods by merger
合併による増加Increase by merger
合併に伴う現金及び現金同等物の増加額Increase in cash and cash equivalents resulting from merger
合併関連費用Merger expenses
国庫補助金National subsidies
国債Government bonds
国債等債券償還益Gain on redemption of bonds
国債等債券償還損Loss on redemption of bonds
国債等債券償還損Loss on redemption of bonds
国債等債券償却Loss on devaluation of bonds
国債等債券売却益Gain on sales of bonds
国債等債券売却損Loss on sales of bonds
差引売上総利益又は差引売上総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – net
差入委託証拠金Customers’ margin
差入委託証拠金代用有価証券Securities received as customers’ deposits for customers’ margin
差入敷金及び保証金Leasehold and guarantee deposits
差入敷金及び保証金の回収による収入Proceeds from refund of leasehold and guarantee deposits
差入敷金及び保証金の差入による支出Payments of leasehold and guarantee deposits
差入保証金Guarantee deposits
差入保証金の回収による収入Proceeds from refund of guarantee deposits
差入保証金の差入による支出Payments of guarantee deposits
差入保証金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in guarantee deposits
差入保証金償却額Amortization of guarantee deposits
差入保証金代用有価証券Securities received as customers’ deposits for guarantee deposits
債券の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in debentures
債券繰延資産Deferred debenture discounts
債券貸借取引支払保証金Receivables under securities borrowing transactions
債券貸借取引支払保証金・受入担保金の純増減額Net increase/decrease in receivables/payables under securities borrowing transactions
債券貸借取引支払保証金の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in receivables under securities borrowing transactions
債券貸借取引支払利息Interest on payables under securities lending transactions
債券貸借取引受入担保金Payables under securities lending transactions
債券貸借取引受入担保金の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in payables under securities lending transactions
債券貸借取引受入担保金の純増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in payables under securities lending transactions
債券貸借取引受入担保金の純増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in payables under securities lending transactions
債券貸借取引受入利息Interest on receivables under securities borrowing transactions
債券等トレーディング損益Net trading income from bonds
債券発行高Debenture issuance
債券発行費用Debenture issuance costs
債券発行費用償却Amortization of debenture issuance costs
債券利息Interest on debentures
債権買取原価Cost of purchased receivables
債権売却損Loss on transfer of receivables
債権流動化による収入Proceeds from securitization of lease receivables
債権流動化に伴う支払債務Payables under securitization of lease receivables
債権流動化に伴う長期支払債務Long-term payables under securitization of lease receivables
債権流動化の返済による支出Repayments of payables under securitization of lease receivables
債務勘定整理益Gain on adjustment of account payable
債務保証Guarantee of obligation
債務保証見返Guarantee of obligation – per contra
債務保証損失引当金Provision for loss on guarantees
債務保証損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on guarantees
債務保証損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on guarantees
債務保証損失引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for loss on guarantees
債務免除益Gain on forgiveness of debts
債務免除益Gain on forgiveness of debt
再エネ特措法交付金Grant under Act on Purchase of Renewable Energy Sourced Electricity
再エネ特措法納付金Levy under Act on Purchase of Renewable Energy Sourced Electricity
再割引手形Bills rediscounted
再評価に係る繰延税金資産Deferred tax assets for land revaluation
再評価に係る繰延税金負債Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation
再保険借Reinsurance accounts payable
再保険借の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reinsurance accounts payable
再保険収入Reinsurance premiums
再保険貸Reinsurance accounts receivable
再保険貸の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in reinsurance accounts receivable
再保険料Reinsurance premiums
再保険料支払による支出Reinsurance premiums payment
再保険料収入Reinsurance premiums revenue
採用費Recruiting expenses
災害による損失Loss on disaster
災害による損失の支払額Payments associated with disaster loss
災害損失Loss on disaster
災害損失の支払額Payments associated with disaster loss
災害損失引当金Provision for loss on disaster
災害損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on disaster
災害損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on disaster
災害損失引当金戻入額Gain on reversal of provision for loss on disaster
災害損失等繰延額Deferred disaster loss
災害損失等繰延額償却Amortization of deferred disaster loss
在外連結子会社等の株式の売却による増減Sales of shares of foreign consolidated subsidiaries
材料貯蔵品Raw materials and supplies
財産偶発損Contingent loss
財務活動としての資金調達による支出Payments as financing activities
財務活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from financing activities
財務活動によるキャッシュ・フローNet cash provided by (used in) financing activities
財務収益Financial revenue
財務費用Financial expenses
作業くず売却益Gain on sales of scraps
作業くず売上高Sales of scraps
索道事業営業利益又は索道事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – cableway
雑給Other salaries
雑固定負債Other non-current liabilities
雑支出Miscellaneous expenses
雑収益Miscellaneous revenue
雑収入Miscellaneous income
雑収入Proceeds from miscellaneous income
雑収入Miscellaneous income
雑収入Miscellaneous revenue
雑損失Miscellaneous loss
雑費Miscellaneous expenses
雑流動資産Other current assets
雑流動負債Other current liabilities
仕掛研究開発In-process research and development
仕掛道路資産Highway assets in process
仕掛販売用不動産Real estate for sale in process
仕掛品Work in process
仕掛品及び半成工事Work in process and partly-finished work
仕入割引Purchase discounts
仕入債務の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in trade payables
仕入値引及び戻し高Purchase allowance and returns
使用済燃料再処理関連加工仮勘定Special account related to reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
使用済燃料再処理等引当金Provision for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
使用済燃料再処理等引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
使用済燃料再処理等既発電費支払契約締結分Expenses incurred by contracts to bear back-end costs related to past years’ power generation
使用済燃料再処理等既発電料受取契約締結分Revenue from contracts to recover back-end costs related to past years’ power generation
使用済燃料再処理等準備引当金Provision for preparation of reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
使用済燃料再処理等準備引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for preparation of reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
使用済燃料再処理等積立金Reserve fund for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
使用済燃料再処理等積立金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in reserve fund for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
使用済燃料再処理等費振替額Transferred cost of reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
子会社の自己株式の取得による支出Purchase of treasury shares of subsidiaries
子会社の自己株式の処分による収入Proceeds from disposal of treasury shares of subsidiaries
子会社の所有する親会社株式の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of shares of parent held by subsidiaries
子会社の清算による収入Proceeds from liquidation of subsidiaries
子会社株式の取得による支出Purchase of shares of subsidiaries
子会社株式の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of shares of subsidiaries
子会社株式売却益Gain on sales of shares of subsidiaries
子会社株式売却損Loss on sales of shares of subsidiaries
子会社株式売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of shares of subsidiaries
子会社株式評価損Loss on valuation of shares of subsidiaries
子会社出資金の取得による支出Purchase of investments in capital of subsidiaries
子会社整理損Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries
子会社清算益Gain on liquidation of subsidiaries
子会社清算損Loss on liquidation of subsidiaries
子会社清算損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on liquidation of subsidiaries
子法人投資口Investment units – subsidiary
市外線路設備Long-distance line facilities
市外線路設備(純額)Long-distance line facilities, net
市内線路設備Local line facilities
市内線路設備(純額)Local line facilities, net
支払委託金Cash deposit in trust
支払為替手数料Fees and commissions on domestic and foreign exchanges
支払差金勘定Variation margin paid
支払手形Notes payable – trade
支払手形・工事未払金Notes payable, accounts payable for construction contracts
支払手形・工事未払金等Notes payable, accounts payable for construction contracts and other
支払手形及び営業未払金Trade notes and accounts payable
支払手形及び買掛金Notes and accounts payable – trade
支払手数料Commission expenses
支払承諾Acceptances and guarantees
支払承諾見返Customers’ liabilities for acceptances and guarantees
支払備金Reserve for outstanding claims
支払備金Outstanding claims
支払備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserve for outstanding claims
支払備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in outstanding claims
支払備金繰入Provision of reserve for outstanding claims
支払備金繰入額Provision of outstanding claims
支払備金戻入Reversal of reserve for outstanding claims
支払備金戻入額Reversal of reserve for outstanding claims
支払保証料Guarantee commission
支払補償費Compensation expenses
支払報酬Fee expenses
支払利息Interest expenses
支払利息・割引料Interest and discounts expenses
支払利息及び割引料Interest and discounts expenses
支払利息及び社債利息Interest expenses on borrowings and bonds
支払利息及び手形売却損Interest expenses and loss on sales of notes receivable – trade
施設運営費Facility expenses
施設使用料Facility expenses
施設設備引当特定資産からの収入Proceeds from reserved assets for facilities
施設設備引当特定資産への支出Payment of reserved assets for facilities
施設設備補助金の受入れによる収入Proceeds from facilities subsidies
施設等整備・投資活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from facilities maintenance and investing activities
施設等整備・投資活動によるキャッシュ・フローNet cash provided by (used in) facilities maintenance and investing activities
施設保全費Facilities maintenance expenses
施設利用会員権Facility membership
施設利用権Right to use facilities
施設利用権評価損Loss on valuation of right to use facilities
試験研究費Experimentation and research expenses
資金運用による収入Interest received
資金運用収益Interest income
資金原価Capital costs
資金原価及び支払利息Capital costs and interest expenses
資金調達による支出Interest paid
資金調達費用Financing expenses
資金調達費用Interest expenses
資産圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of assets
資産圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of assets
資産圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of assets
資産維持費Property maintenance expenses
資産運用活動計Total of net cash provided by (used in) investment transactions
資産運用収益Investment income
資産運用費用Investment expenses
資産運用報酬Asset management fee
資産除去債務Asset retirement obligations
資産除去債務の履行による支出Payments for asset retirement obligations
資産除去債務戻入益Gain on reversal of asset retirement obligations
資産保管手数料Asset custody fee
資産利用料Asset rental income
資本金Share capital
資本金から準備金への振替Transfer from share capital to legal capital surplus
資本金から剰余金への振替Transfer from share capital to other capital surplus
資本準備金Legal capital surplus
資本準備金の取崩Reversal of legal capital surplus
資本剰余金Capital surplus
事業外固定資産Non-operating facilities
事業外収益Non-operating revenue
事業外収益Non-operating income
事業外費用Non-operating expenses
事業拡張積立金Reserve for business expansion
事業活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from operating activities
事業活動によるキャッシュ・フローNet cash provided by (used in) operating activities
事業経費Operating expenses – general
事業構造改善引当金Provision for business restructuring
事業構造改善引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for business restructuring
事業構造改善引当金繰入額Provision for business restructuring
事業構造改善引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for business restructuring
事業構造改善費用Business restructuring expenses
事業債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in operating receivables
事業再編による支出Payments for business restructuring
事業再編損Restructuring loss
事業再編損Loss on business restructuring
事業者間精算収益Settlement revenue among utilities
事業者間精算収益Revenue from interoperator settlement
事業収益Operating revenue
事業所税Business office tax
事業譲受による支出Payments for acquisition of businesses
事業譲渡による収入Proceeds from sale of businesses
事業譲渡益Gain on sale of businesses
事業譲渡損Loss on sale of businesses
事業譲渡損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sale of businesses
事業整理損Loss on liquidation of business
事業整理損失引当金Provision for loss on business liquidation
事業整理損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on business liquidation
事業整理損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on business liquidation
事業整理損失引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for loss on business liquidation
事業税Enterprise tax
事業宣伝費Business advertising expenses
事業損益Operating revenue and expenses
事業損益(事業収益及び事業費用)Operating revenue and expenses
事業撤退損Loss on withdrawal from business
事業費Project expenses
事業費Operating expenses – operating
事業費の支出Project expenses payment
事業費用Operating expenses
事業分離における移転損失Loss on transfer from business divestitures
事業分離における移転利益Gain on transfer from business divestitures
事業保険金Business insurance
事業保険積立金Business insurance funds
事業未収金Operating accounts receivable
事業未収金(純額)Operating accounts receivable, net
事業未払金Operating accounts payable
事業利益又は事業損失(△)Profit (loss) on core business
事業利益又は事業損失(△)Operating profit (loss)
事務委託費Administrative outsourcing expenses
事務所移転費用Office relocation expenses
事務費Office expenses
事務用消耗品費Office supplies expenses
事務用品費Stationery expenses
持分変動損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on change in equity
持分変動損失Loss on change in equity
持分変動利益Gain on change in equity
持分法による投資損益(△は益)Share of loss (profit) of entities accounted for using equity method
持分法による投資損失Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method
持分法の適用範囲の変動Change in scope of equity method
持分法適用に伴う負債Liabilities from application of equity method
持分法適用会社からの配当金の受取額Dividends received from entities accounted for using equity method
持分法適用会社に対する持分相当額Share of other comprehensive income of entities accounted for using equity method
持分法適用会社に対する持分変動に伴う自己株式の増減Change in treasury shares arising from change in equity in entities accounted for using equity method
時効成立後支払分配金・償還金Dividends and redemption paid – prescription
時効成立分配金・償還金Dividends and redemption – prescription
自家保険積立金Reserve for private insurance
自己株式Treasury shares
自己株式の取得Purchase of treasury shares
自己株式の取得による支出Purchase of treasury shares
自己株式の純増減額(△は増加)Net decrease (increase) in treasury shares
自己株式の処分Disposal of treasury shares
自己株式の処分Disposal of treasury shares
自己株式の処分による収入Proceeds from disposal of treasury shares
自己株式の消却Cancellation of treasury shares
自己株式の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in treasury shares
自己株式の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of treasury shares
自己株式取得費用Commission for purchase of treasury shares
自己株式処分差損の振替Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury shares
自己株式申込証拠金Deposits for subscriptions of treasury shares
自己新株予約権Treasury share acquisition rights
自己新株予約権の処分Disposal of treasury share acquisition rights
自己新株予約権の消却Cancellation of treasury share acquisition rights
自己新投資口予約権Treasury investment unit acquisition rights
自己先物取引差金Futures transaction margin – own
自己投資口Treasury investment units
自己投資口の取得Purchase of treasury investment units
自己投資口の消却Cancellation of treasury investment units
自己特定出資Treasury specific shares
自己優先出資Treasury preferred shares
自己優先出資の取得Purchase of treasury preferred shares
自己優先出資の消却Cancellation of treasury preferred shares
自動車事業Construction in progress – automobile
自動車事業営業収益Operating revenue – automobile
自動車事業営業費Operating expenses – automobile
自動車事業営業利益Operating profit – automobile
自動車事業営業利益又は自動車事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – automobile
自動車事業固定資産Non-current assets – automobile
自動車整備収入Revenue – automobile maintenance
実用新案権Utility model right
社員資本Members’ equity
社員資本等変動計算書Statement of members’ equity
社会医療法人債Social medical corporation bonds payable
社債Bonds payable
社債Corporate bonds
社債の償還による支出Redemption of bonds
社債の買入消却による支出Payments for retirement by purchase of bonds
社債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of bonds
社債券Corporate bonds
社債償還損Loss on redemption of bonds
社債発行費Bond issuance costs
社債発行費償却Amortization of bond issuance costs
社債利息Interest on bonds
社債利息Interest expenses on bonds
社内長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from inter-company
社内長期貸付金In-house long-term loans receivable
社用資産Own-used assets
社用資産の取得による支出Purchase of own-used assets
社用資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of own-used assets
社用資産減価償却費Depreciation of own-used assets
社用資産減価償却費及び除却損Depreciation and loss on retirement of own-used assets
車両Rolling stock
車両(純額)Vehicles, net
車両運搬具(純額)Vehicles, net
車両運搬具及び工具器具備品Vehicles, tools, furniture and fixtures
車両運搬具及び工具器具備品(純額)Vehicles, tools, furniture and fixtures, net
車両及び船舶Vehicle and ships
車両及び船舶Vehicles and vessels
車両及び船舶(純額)Vehicle and ships, net
車両及び船舶(純額)Vehicles and vessels, net
車両費Vehicle expenses
借家権Leasehold interests in buildings
借室保証金Deposits for leased rooms
借船料Ship rental fee
借地権Leasehold interests in land
借地借家料Rent expenses on land and buildings
借入れによる収入Proceeds from borrowings
借入金Borrowings from other banks
借入金の返済による支出Repayments of borrowings
借入金利息Interest on borrowings
借入取引有価証券Borrowing trade securities
借入商品債券Trading account securities borrowed
借入特定取引有価証券Borrowed securities related to trading transactions
借入有価証券Securities borrowed
借入有価証券代り金Collateral money for securities borrowed
借入有価証券代り金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in collateral money for securities borrowed
借入有価証券代り金利息Interest on collateral money for securities borrowed
借入有価証券担保金Cash collateral pledged for securities borrowed
借入有価証券担保金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in cash collateral pledged for securities borrowed
借用金Borrowed money
借用金(劣後特約付借入金を除く)の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in borrowed money (excluding subordinated borrowings)
借用金の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in borrowed money
借用金利息Interest on borrowings and rediscounts
取引関係費Trading related expenses
取引所関係費Exchange related expenses
取立外国為替Foreign bills receivable
手形貸付Loans on bills
手形売却に伴う支払額Payments for sales of notes receivable – trade
手形売却損Loss on sales of notes receivable – trade
手数料Processing fees
手数料の受入れによる収入Proceeds from processing fees
手数料収入Commission income
受益証券発行信託の受益証券Money trust beneficiary right
受益証券発行費Beneficiary certificate issuance costs
受取ロイヤリティーRoyalty income
受取家賃Rental income from buildings
受取割引料Discount revenue
受取技術料Technical support fee income
受取差金勘定Variation margin received
受取事務手数料Administrative service fee income
受取手形Notes receivable – trade
受取手形(純額)Notes receivable – trade, net
受取手形、売掛金及び未収運賃Notes, accounts receivable – trade, and accrued freight
受取手形・完成工事未収入金Notes receivable, accounts receivable from completed construction contracts
受取手形・完成工事未収入金等Notes receivable, accounts receivable from completed construction contracts and other
受取手形及び営業未収入金Trade notes and accounts receivable
受取手形及び売掛金Notes and accounts receivable – trade
受取手形及び売掛金(純額)Notes and accounts receivable – trade, net
受取手数料Commission income
受取手数料Brokerage income
受取手数料Commission income
受取地代家賃Rental income from land and buildings
受取賃貸料Rental income
受取配当金Dividend income
受取保険金Insurance claim income
受取保険金及び配当金Insurance claim and dividend income
受取保険料Insurance fee income
受取保証金Guarantee received
受取保証料Guarantee commission received
受取補償金Compensation income
受取利息Interest income
受取利息・割引料Interest and discounts earned
受取利息及び受取配当金Interest and dividend income
受取利息及び配当金Interest and dividend income
受取和解金Settlement received
受託業務収入Revenue – management
受託業務前受金Advances received for management
受託業務前払金Advance payments for management
受託業務費用Fiduciary business operating expenses – management
受託業務費用Operating expenses – management
受託工事事務費戻入Reversal of clerical costs on work performed on contract
受託者報酬Trustee fee
受託製造収益Revenue from contract manufacturing
受託販売未払金Accounts payable – consignment
受託品売上原価Cost of sales of goods on consignment
受託品売上高Sales of goods on consignment
受注工事勘定Related construction
受注工事及び器具売上Installation work and appliances sales
受注工事及び器具売上原価Cost of installation work and appliances sales
受注工事収益Revenue from installation work
受注工事損失引当金Provision for loss on construction contracts
受注工事損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on construction contracts
受注工事費用Installation work expenses
受注損失引当金Provision for loss on order received
受注損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on order received
受入為替手数料Fees and commissions on domestic and foreign exchanges
受入手数料Commission received
受入証拠金Margin received
受入担保金Cash collateral received
受入担保金代用有価証券Securities received as customers’ deposits for cash collateral received
受入敷金保証金Leasehold and guarantee deposits received
受入保証金Guarantee deposits received
受入保証金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in guarantee deposits received
収益業務事業収入Receipts from for-profit operating revenue
収益業務事業損益For-profit operating revenue and expenses
収益業務事業費支出For-profit operating expenditure
収益業務事業利益又は収益業務事業損失(△)For-profit operating profit (loss)
収益事業支出Payments for for-profit operation
収益事業収益For-profit operating revenue
収益事業収入Proceeds from for-profit operation
収益事業損益For-profit operating revenue and expenses
収益事業費用For-profit operating expenses
収益事業利益又は収益事業損失(△)For-profit operating profit (loss)
収益調整金Revenue adjustment
収入積立保険料Premiums of saving-type insurance
収入保証料Guarantee income
収用補償金Compensation for expropriation
収用補償金の受取額Proceeds from compensation for expropriation
修学旅行積立金Fund for school excursion
修繕維持費Repair and maintenance expenses
修繕引当金Provision for repairs
修繕引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for repairs
修繕準備引当金Provision for repairs
修繕費Repair expenses
住宅電化設備賃貸事業営業収益Operating revenue – house electrification machinery leasing business
従業員に対する貸付けによる支出Loan advances to employees
従業員に対する貸付金の回収による収入Collection of loans receivable from employees
従業員に対する短期債権Short-term receivables from employees
従業員に対する短期貸付金Short-term loans receivable from employees
従業員に対する長期貸付けによる支出Long-term loan advances to employees
従業員に対する長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from employees
従業員に対する長期貸付金(純額)Long-term loans receivable from employees, net
従業員に対する長期貸付金の回収による収入Collection of long-term loans receivable from employees
従業員給与Employee salaries
従業員給与手当賞与Employees’ salaries, allowances and bonuses
従業員給料Employees’ salaries
従業員給料及び手当Employees’ salaries and allowances
従業員給料及び賞与Employees’ salaries and bonuses
従業員給料手当Employees’ salaries and allowances
従業員賞与Employees’ bonuses
従業員預り金Deposits received from employees
出資金Investments in capital
出資金Share capital
出資金Investments in capital
出資金の回収による収入Proceeds from divestments
出資金の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of investments in capital
出資金の払込による支出Payments for investments in capital
出資金の分配による収入Proceeds from share of profits on investments in capital
出資金運用益Gain on investments in capital
出資金運用損Loss on investments in capital
出資金運用損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on investments in capital
出資金評価損Loss on valuation of investments in capital
出資剰余金Capital surplus
出資剰余金控除額Deduction from unitholders’ capital surplus
出資総額Unitholders’ capital
出資総額控除額Deduction from unitholders’ capital
準備金から資本金への振替Transfer from legal capital surplus to share capital
準備金から剰余金への振替Transfer from legal capital surplus to other capital surplus
純営業収益Net operating revenue
純資産Net assets
純資産の内訳項目Components of net assets
純資産の部Net assets
純資産の部に直接計上されたその他有価証券評価差額金の増減Inserted directly into net assets – valuation difference on available-for-sale securities
純資産の部に直接計上された為替換算調整勘定の増減Inserted directly into net assets – foreign currency translation adjustment
純資産の部に直接計上された繰延ヘッジ損益の増減Inserted directly into net assets – deferred gains or losses on hedges
純資産変動計算書Statement of changes in net assets
諸会費Membership fee
諸経費Sundry expenses
諸手数料及び集金費Commissions and collection fees
諸手数料及び集金費の支出Commissions and collection fees payment
諸前受金Other advances
諸未収入金Other accounts receivable
助成金の受取額Proceeds from subsidy income
助成金収入Subsidy income
除却仮勘定Retirement in progress
除却費Retirement expenses
償却債権取立益Recoveries of written off receivables
償却資産圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of depreciable assets
償却資産圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of depreciable assets
償却資産圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of depreciable assets
商業手形Commercial notes
商業手形の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in commercial notes
商標権Trademark right
商標使用料Trademark fee income
商品期首たな卸高Beginning merchandise inventory
商品期末たな卸高Ending merchandise inventory
商品及び製品Merchandise and finished goods
商品及び製品期首たな卸高Beginning inventory of merchandise and finished goods
商品及び製品期末たな卸高Ending inventory of merchandise and finished goods
商品及び製品売上原価Cost of merchandise and finished goods sold
商品及び製品売上高Net sales of merchandise and finished goods
商品券Gift certificates
商品国債Trading government bonds
商品取引責任準備金Reserve for commodities transaction liabilities
商品取引責任準備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserve for commodities transaction liabilities
商品取引責任準備金繰入額Provision of reserve for commodities transaction liabilities
商品取引責任準備金戻入額Reversal of reserve for commodities transaction liabilities
商品政府保証債Trading government guaranteed bonds
商品他勘定振替高Goods transfer to other account
商品地方債Trading local government bonds
商品廃棄損Loss on abandonment of goods
商品売上原価Cost of goods sold
商品売上高Net sales of goods
商品売上高Goods sales
商品売上総利益又は商品売上総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – merchandise
商品評価損Valuation loss on goods
商品評価損Loss on valuation of goods
商品有価証券Trading account securities
商品有価証券の取得による支出Purchase of trading account securities
商品有価証券の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in trading account securities
商品有価証券の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in trading securities
商品有価証券の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of trading account securities
商品有価証券運用益Gain on trading account securities
商品有価証券運用損Loss on trading account securities
商品有価証券収益Gain on trading account securities transactions
商品有価証券等Trading securities and other
商品有価証券派生商品Derivatives of trading securities
商品有価証券派生商品Derivatives of trading securities – assets
商品有価証券売買益Gain on trading account securities transactions
商品有価証券売買損Loss on trading account securities transactions
商品有価証券費用Expenses on trading securities and derivatives
消耗品、消耗工具、器具及び備品その他の貯蔵品で相当額以上のものSupplies and other – reasonable value
消耗品費Supplies expenses
証書貸付Loans on deeds
賞与引当金Provision for bonuses
賞与引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses
賞与引当金繰入額Provision for bonuses
賞与引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for bonuses
賞与及び手当Bonuses and allowance
上場関連費用Listing expenses
剰余金(その他資本剰余金)の配当Dividends of surplus – other capital surplus
剰余金の配当Dividends of surplus
剰余金減少額又は欠損金増加額Decrease in surplus or increase in deficit
剰余金増加額又は欠損金減少額Increase in surplus or decrease in deficit
剰余金又は欠損金(△)Surplus (deficit)
情報サービス売上原価Cost of sales of information service
情報サービス売上高Sales of information service
情報通信事業営業収益Operating revenue – information and communication business
情報通信事業営業費用Operating expenses – information and communication business
蒸気供給事業営業収益Operating revenue – steam supply business
蒸気供給事業営業費用Operating expenses – steam supply business
譲渡性預金Negotiable certificates of deposit
譲渡性預金の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in negotiable certificates of deposit
譲渡性預金利息Interest on negotiable certificates of deposit
食堂収入Revenue – restaurant
信託その他無形固定資産Other intangible assets in trust
信託勘定借Borrowed money from trust account
信託勘定借の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in borrowed money from trust account
信託機械及び装置Machinery and equipment in trust
信託機械及び装置(純額)Machinery and equipment in trust, net
信託建設仮勘定Construction in progress in trust
信託建物Buildings in trust
信託建物(純額)Buildings in trust, net
信託元本補填引当金Provision for compensation for guaranteed trust principal
信託元本補填引当金の増減(△)Increase (decrease) in provision for compensation for guaranteed trust principal
信託現金及び信託預金Cash and deposits in trust
信託工具、器具及び備品Tools, furniture and fixtures in trust
信託工具、器具及び備品(純額)Tools, furniture and fixtures in trust, net
信託構築物Structures in trust
信託構築物(純額)Structures in trust, net
信託差入敷金及び保証金Leasehold and guarantee deposits in trust
信託差入敷金及び保証金の回収による収入Proceeds from refund of leasehold and guarantee deposits in trust
信託差入敷金及び保証金の差入による支出Payments of leasehold and guarantee deposits in trust
信託借地権Land leasehold interests in trust
信託受益権Beneficial interests in trust
信託受益権の取得による支出Purchase of beneficial interests in trust
信託受益権の償還による収入Redemption of beneficial interests in trust
信託受益権の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of beneficial interests in trust
信託土地Land in trust
信託報酬Trust fees
信託無形固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of intangible assets in trust
信託有形固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of property, plant and equipment in trust
信託有形固定資産の売却による減少額Decrease in property, plant and equipment in trust due to sale
信託預り敷金及び保証金Leasehold and guarantee deposits received in trust
信託預り敷金及び保証金の受入による収入Proceeds from leasehold and guarantee deposits received in trust
信託預り敷金及び保証金の返還による支出Refund of leasehold and guarantee deposits received in trust
信用取引差入保証金Guarantee deposits for transaction
信用取引資産Margin transaction assets
信用取引資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in margin transaction assets
信用取引資産及び信用取引負債の増減額Decrease/increase in assets/liabilities for margin transaction
信用取引借証券担保金Cash collateral pledged for securities borrowing on margin transactions
信用取引借入金Borrowings on margin transactions
信用取引受入保証金Guarantee deposits received for margin transaction
信用取引貸証券受入金Cash received for securities lending on margin transactions
信用取引貸付金Loans on margin transactions
信用取引負債Margin transaction liabilities
信用取引負債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in margin transaction liabilities
信用取引預け金Deposits for margin transaction
信用売証券Sales securities for margin trading
信用保証割賦売掛金Accounts receivable – installment sales – credit guarantee
信用保証収益Revenue from credit guarantee
信用保証買掛金Accounts payable – credit guarantee
心線賃貸事業営業収益Operating revenue – electric wire leasing business
心線賃貸事業営業費用Operating expenses – electric wire leasing business
振興基金Promotion fund
新エネルギー等発電設備Renewable power production facilities
新エネルギー等発電費Renewable power production expenses
新株の発行Issuance of new shares
新株の発行(新株予約権の行使)Issuance of new shares – exercise of share acquisition rights
新株式申込証拠金Deposits for subscriptions of shares
新株発行費Share issuance costs
新株予約権Share acquisition rights
新株予約権の行使Exercise of share acquisition rights
新株予約権の行使による株式の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of shares resulting from exercise of share acquisition rights
新株予約権の失効Forfeiture of share acquisition rights
新株予約権の取得Purchase of share acquisition rights
新株予約権の発行Issuance of share acquisition rights
新株予約権の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of share acquisition rights
新株予約権証券Investments in share acquisition rights
新株予約権付社債Bonds with share acquisition rights
新株予約権付社債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of bonds with share acquisition rights
新株予約権付社債利息Interest on bonds with share acquisition rights
新株予約権戻入益Gain on reversal of share acquisition rights
新幹線鉄道大規模改修引当金Provision for large scale renovation of Shinkansen infrastructure
新幹線鉄道大規模改修引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for large scale renovation of Shinkansen infrastructure
新規連結に伴う現金及び現金同等物の増加額Increase in cash and cash equivalents resulting from inclusion of subsidiaries in consolidation
新投資口の発行Issuance of new investment units
新投資口交付費New investment unit issuance costs
新投資口申込証拠金Deposits for subscriptions of investment units
新投資口申込証拠金Deposits for subscriptions of investment units
新投資口予約権Investment unit acquisition rights
新優先出資引受権Subscription rights to preferred shares
親会社による配当金の支払額Dividends paid by parent company
親会社株式Shares of parent
親会社株式の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of shares of parent
親会社株主に帰属する当期純利益又は親会社株主に帰属する当期純損失(△)Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent
親会社株主に係る包括利益Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
親投資信託受益証券Parents trust beneficiary securities
親法人投資口Investment units – parent
人件費Personnel expenses
人件費の支出Payments of personnel expenses
図書印刷費Book and printing expenses
図書費Book expenses
水道光熱費Utilities expenses
水道施設利用権Right to use water facilities
水利権Water right
水力発電設備Hydroelectric power production facilities
水力発電費Hydroelectric power production expenses
睡眠預金払戻損失引当金Provision for reimbursement of deposits
睡眠預金払戻損失引当金の増減(△)Increase (decrease) in provision for reimbursement of deposits
制作収入Production income
正味支払保険金Net claims paid
正味収入保険料Net premiums written
生命保険金等Life insurance claims paid
生命保険積立金Life insurance funds
生命保険配当金Dividend income of life insurance
生命保険料Life insurance premiums
製造設備Production facilities
製品Finished goods
製品、副産物及び作業くずFinished goods, by-products and scraps
製品、副産物及び作業くずFinished goods, by-product and waste
製品期首たな卸高Beginning finished goods inventory
製品期末たな卸高Ending finished goods inventory
製品他勘定振替高Finished goods transfer to other account
製品売上Product sales
製品売上原価Cost of finished goods sold
製品売上高Net sales of finished goods
製品売上総利益又は製品売上総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – finished goods
製品評価損Valuation loss on finished goods
製品保証引当金Provision for product warranties
製品保証引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for product warranties
製品保証引当金繰入額Provision for product warranties
製品保証引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for product warranties
税引前当期純利益又は税引前当期純損失(△)Profit (loss) before income taxes
税率変更による積立金の調整額Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
石炭販売事業営業収益Operating revenue – coal sale business
石炭販売事業営業費用Operating expenses – coal sale business
積立保険料の収入Saving-type insurance premiums revenue
積立保険料等運用益Investment income from saving type insurance
積立保険料等運用益振替Income credited to saving type insurance
責任準備金Liability reserves
責任準備金Policy reserve
責任準備金Policy reserve
責任準備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in liability reserves
責任準備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in policy reserve
責任準備金繰入Provision of liability reserves
責任準備金繰入額Provision of policy reserve
責任準備金等Policy reserve and other
責任準備金等の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in policy reserve and other
責任準備金等繰入額Provision of policy reserve and other
責任準備金等戻入額Reversal of policy reserve and other
責任準備金戻入Reversal of liability reserves
責任準備金戻入額Reversal of policy reserve
責任準備金戻入額Reversal of policy reserve
接続供給託送料Expenses for third party’s power transmission service
設備関係割賦債務の返済による支出Payments for installment payables – property and equipment
設備関係支払手形Notes payable – facilities
設備関係未払金Accounts payable – facilities
設備賃貸費用Rental expenses on facilities
設備賃貸料Rental income from facilities
設立等積立金Reserve at incorporation
先物取引差金勘定Variation margins of futures markets
先物取引差入証拠金Initial margins of futures markets
先物取引受入証拠金Initial margins of futures markets – liabilities
先物取引等取引益Gain on transactions of futures markets
先物取引等取引損Loss on transactions of futures markets
先物取引買勘定Purchase account of futures markets
先物取引売勘定Sales account of futures markets
先物取引未収入金Accounts receivable – futures markets
先物取引未払金Accounts payable – futures markets
専用収入Private line
線路設備Line facilities
線路設備(純額)Line facilities, net
船員費Crew expenses
船舶(純額)Vessels, net
船舶及び車両Vessels and vehicles
船舶及び車両(純額)Vessels and vehicles, net
船舶及び水上運搬具Vessels and water delivery equipment
船舶減価償却費Depreciation – ships
船舶修繕費Repair expenses of ships
船舶消耗品費Ship supplies expenses
船舶保険料Insurance expenses of ships
船舶保証工事引当金Provision for construction warranties for vessel
船費Ship expenses
前各号に掲げられるものの外、流動資産、有形固定資産、無形固定資産又は繰延資産に属するもの以外の長期資産Other long-term assets
前期繰越利益又は前期繰越損失(△)Retained earnings (deficit) brought forward
前受リース料Unearned lease income
前受運賃Prepaid fares received
前受金Advances received
前受金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in advances received
前受工事負担金Deferred contribution for construction
前受収益Unearned revenue
前受収益の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in unearned revenue
前渡金Advance payments – trade
前渡金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in advance payments – trade
前払金Advance payments – other
前払金Advance payments
前払年金費用Prepaid pension costs
前払年金費用の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in prepaid pension costs
前払費用Prepaid expenses
前払費用の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses
全事業営業収益Operating revenue – all businesses
全事業営業費Operating expenses – all businesses
全事業営業利益又は全事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – all businesses
租税公課Taxes and dues
組織再編により生じた株式の特別勘定Special account for shares arising from restructuring
訴訟関連損失Loss on litigation
訴訟関連損失の支払額Payments for loss on litigation
訴訟関連費用Litigation expenses
訴訟損失引当金Provision for loss on litigation
訴訟損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on litigation
訴訟損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on litigation
訴訟損失引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for loss on litigation
訴訟和解金Litigation settlement
訴訟和解金の支払額Litigation settlement paid
遡及処理の累積的影響額Cumulative effect of retrospective application and retrospective restatement
遡及処理前期首剰余金又は期首欠損金(△)Surplus (deficit) at beginning of period before retrospective application and retrospective restatement
創立費Organization expenses
創立費償却Amortization of organization expenses
倉庫荷役料Stevedoring income
倉庫業収益Warehouse business revenue
倉庫業費用Warehouse business expenses
倉庫収入Warehouse income
倉庫保管料Warehousing fee income
想定元本支払負債Notional principal payable liability
想定元本支払負債見合Corresponding account of notional principal payable liability
想定元本受取資産Notional principal receivable assets
想定元本受取資産見合Corresponding account of notional principal receivable assets
早期割増退職金Extra payments for early retirements
相互直通施設利用権Right to use facilities for mutual direct operation
総仕入高Total purchase of goods
総売上高Gross sales
装荷核燃料Loaded nuclear fuel
装荷核燃料及び加工中等核燃料Loaded nuclear fuel and nuclear fuel in processing
送電設備Transmission facilities
送電費Transmission expenses
損益及び剰余金計算書Statement of income and retained earnings
損益計算書Statement of income
損害調査費Loss adjustment expenses
損害調査費の支出Loss adjustment expenses payment
損害賠償金Compensation for damage
損害賠償金の支払額Compensation for damage paid
損害賠償損失Loss on compensation for damage
他会計からの繰入金Transfer from other account
他勘定受入高Transfer from other account
他勘定振替高Transfer to other account
他社購入電力料Purchased power from other suppliers
他社販売電力料Sold power to other suppliers
貸借取引貸付金Loans for margin transactions
貸借取引貸付金利息Interest on loans for margin transactions
貸借取引担保金Collateral money received for loan transactions
貸借対照表Balance sheet
貸出金Loans and bills discounted
貸出金の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in loans and bills discounted
貸出金償却Written-off of loans
貸出金利息Interest on loans and discounts
貸船料Ship lease
貸倒引当金Allowance for doubtful accounts
貸倒引当金Allowance for loan losses
貸倒引当金Allowance for accounts receivable – operating loans
貸倒引当金の増減(△)Increase (decrease) in allowance for loan losses
貸倒引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts
貸倒引当金繰入額Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts
貸倒引当金繰入額Provision of allowance for loan losses
貸倒引当金戻入益Reversal of allowance for loan losses
貸倒引当金戻入額Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts
貸倒償却Bad debts written off
貸倒償却額Bad debts written off
貸倒損失Bad debts expenses
貸倒損失Bad debts written off
貸倒損失Bad debts expenses
貸倒損失Bad debts expenses
貸倒損失Loss from bad debts
貸付けによる支出Loan advances
貸付金Loans receivable
貸付金の回収による収入Collection of loans receivable
貸付金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in loans receivable
貸付金回収による収入Collection of loans receivable
貸付金関係損益(△は益)Loss (gain) related to loans
貸付金償却Loss on disposal of bad loans
貸付金償却Amortization of loans
貸付金利息Interest on loans
貸付金利息収入Proceeds from interest on loans
貸付取引有価証券Securities of loan trade
貸付設備Facilities loaned
貸付設備収益Revenue from loaned facilities
貸付設備費Cost of loaned facilities
貸付有価証券Securities lent
貸付有価証券Securities loaned
貸付有価証券代り金Collateral money received for securities lent
貸付有価証券代り金利息Interest on collateral money received for securities lent
貸与資産Assets for rent
貸与資産(純額)Assets for rent, net
貸与資産減価償却費Depreciation of assets for rent
退職慰労積立金Reserve for retirement allowance
退職慰労積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for retirement allowance
退職慰労積立金の積立Provision of reserve for retirement allowance
退職給付に係る資産Retirement benefit asset
退職給付に係る資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in retirement benefit asset
退職給付に係る調整額Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, net of tax
退職給付に係る調整額(税引前)Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, before tax
退職給付に係る調整累計額Remeasurements of defined benefit plans
退職給付に係る負債Retirement benefit liability
退職給付に係る負債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in retirement benefit liability
退職給付引当金Provision for retirement benefits
退職給付引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits
退職給付引当金繰入額Provision for retirement benefits
退職給付引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for retirement benefits
退職給付会計基準変更時差異の処理額Amortization of net retirement benefit obligation at transition
退職給付及び役員退職慰労引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits and retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
退職給付信託設定益Gain on contribution of securities to retirement benefit trust
退職給付信託設定損Loss on contribution of securities to retirement benefit trust
退職給付信託設定損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on contribution of securities to retirement benefit trust
退職給付制度改定益Gain on revision of retirement benefit plan
退職給付制度改定損Loss on revision of retirement benefit plan
退職給付制度終了益Gain on termination of retirement benefit plan
退職給付制度終了損Loss on termination of retirement benefit plan
退職給付積立不足償却額Amortization of shortage reserve for retirement benefits
退職給付費用Retirement benefit expenses
退職給与積立金Reserve for retirement allowance
退職給与積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for retirement allowance
退職給与積立金の積立Provision of reserve for retirement allowance
退職金Retirement payments
退職手当積立金Reserve for retirement allowance
退職手当積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for retirement allowance
退職手当積立金の積立Provision of reserve for retirement allowance
退職積立金Reserve for retirement allowance
退職積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for retirement allowance
退職積立金の積立Provision of reserve for retirement allowance
退職特別加算金Extra retirement payments
代替基金Alternative fund
代理業務借Proxy service payable
代理業務貸Proxy service receivable
代理貸付金Agency loan
代理店債権Accounts receivable form agents
代理店債務Debt for agency
代理店借Agency accounts payable
代理店借の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in agency accounts payable
代理店手数料Agent fee
代理店貸Agency accounts receivable
代理店貸の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in agency accounts receivable
託送供給収益Gas transportation service revenue
託送収益Transmission revenue
短期差入保証金Short-term guarantee deposits
短期差入保証金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in short-term guarantee deposits
短期社債Short-term bonds payable
短期社債Short-term corporate bonds
短期社債Short-term corporate bonds
短期社債(負債)の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in short-term bonds payable
短期社債の純増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in short-term bonds payable
短期社債の償還による支出Redemption of short-term bonds
短期社債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of short-term bonds
短期社債利息Interest on short-term bonds
短期借入れによる収入Proceeds from short-term borrowings
短期借入金Short-term borrowings
短期借入金の純増減額(△は減少)Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings
短期借入金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings
短期借入金の返済による支出Repayments of short-term borrowings
短期借入金及びコマーシャル・ペーパーの増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings and commercial papers
短期借入有価証券Short-term securities borrowed
短期貸付けによる支出Short-term loan advances
短期貸付金Short-term loans receivable
短期貸付金(純額)Short-term loans receivable, net
短期貸付金の回収による収入Collection of short-term loans receivable
短期貸付金の純増減額(△は増加)Net decrease (increase) in short-term loans receivable
短期貸付金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in short-term loans receivable
短期投資Short-term investments
端末設備Terminal facilities
端末設備(純額)Terminal facilities, net
団体生命保険金Group life insurance
段階取得に係る差益Gain on step acquisitions
段階取得に係る差損Loss on step acquisitions
段階取得に係る差損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on step acquisitions
地上権Surface right
地震保険預託金Deposits for earth quake insurance
地帯間購入電力料Purchased power from other utilities
地帯間販売電力料Sold power to other utilities
地代家賃Rent expenses on land and buildings
地方債Local government bonds
地方債証券Municipal bonds
中間配当額Interim dividends
中間配当積立金Reserve for interim dividends
駐車場事業収入Revenue – parking
駐車場事業費Operating expenses – parking
貯蔵品の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in supplies
貯蔵品廃棄損Loss on disposal of supplies
貯蓄預金Saving deposits
調査研究費Research study expenses
調査費Investigation expenses
調査費Research expenses
調査費計Total research expenses
長期リース資産減損勘定Accumulated impairment loss on long-term leased assets
長期営業外未収入金Long-term non-operating accounts receivable
長期割賦未払金Long-term accounts payable – installment purchase
長期差入保証金Long-term guarantee deposits
長期借入れによる収入Proceeds from long-term borrowings
長期借入金Long-term borrowings
長期借入金の返済による支出Repayments of long-term borrowings
長期借入有価証券Long-term securities borrowed
長期設備関係支払手形Long-term notes payable – facilities
長期設備関係未払金Long-term accounts payable – facilities
長期前受金Long-term advances received
長期前受工事負担金Long-term deferred contribution for construction
長期前受収益Long-term unearned revenue
長期前払消費税等Long-term prepaid consumption taxes
長期前払費用Long-term prepaid expenses
長期前払費用の取得による支出Purchase of long-term prepaid expenses
長期前払費用の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in long-term prepaid expenses
長期前払費用償却Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses
長期貸付けによる支出Long-term loan advances
長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable
長期貸付金(純額)Long-term loans receivable, net
長期貸付金の回収による収入Collection of long-term loans receivable
長期投資Long-term investments
長期保管有価証券Long-term securities in custody
長期未収入金Long-term accounts receivable – other
長期未払金Long-term accounts payable – other
長期未払金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in long-term accounts payable – other
長期未払金の返済による支出Payments for long-term accounts payable – other
長期未払債務Long-term accrued liabilities
長期預け金Long-term deposits
長期預り金Long-term deposits received
長期預り金の受入による収入Proceeds from long-term deposits received
長期預り金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in long-term deposits received
長期預り金の返還による支出Refund of long-term deposits received
長期預り敷金Long-term leasehold deposits received
長期預り敷金保証金Long-term leasehold and guarantee deposits received
長期預り保証金Long-term guarantee deposits
長期預り保証金の返還による支出Refund of long-term guarantee deposits
長期預金Long-term time deposits
賃借料Rent expenses
賃貸原価Cost of lease revenue
賃貸原価Rent costs
賃貸資産Assets for lease
賃貸資産の取得による支出Purchase of assets for lease
賃貸資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in assets for lease
賃貸資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of assets for lease
賃貸資産及び社用資産減価償却費Depreciation of assets for lease and own-used assets
賃貸資産減価償却費Depreciation of assets for lease
賃貸資産処分損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on disposal of assets for lease
賃貸資産除却損Loss on retirement of assets for lease
賃貸資産前渡金Advances for purchases of assets for lease
賃貸事業営業費Operating expenses – leasing
賃貸事業原価Cost of sales in leasing business
賃貸事業収益Leasing business revenue
賃貸事業収入Leasing business revenue
賃貸事業売上原価Cost of sales in leasing business
賃貸事業売上高Sales in leasing business
賃貸事業費用Expenses related to leasing business
賃貸借契約解約損Loss on cancellation of rental contracts
賃貸収入Lease revenue
賃貸収入Revenue – lease
賃貸収入原価Rental costs
賃貸費用Rental expenses
賃貸不動産Real estate for rent
賃貸不動産(純額)Real estate for rent, net
賃貸用不動産等減価償却費Depreciation of real estate for rent and other
賃貸用不動産等減価償却費Depreciation of real estate for rent
賃貸料の受取額Proceeds from rental income
賃貸料収入Lease income
賃貸料等前受金Advances received – lease
賃貸料等未収入金Accounts receivable – lease
賃貸料等未収入金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable – lease
追加信託差益金Gain on additional subscriptions
追加信託差損金Loss on additional subscriptions
通貨オプションCurrency options
通常の取引に関連して発生する未払金又は預り金で一般の取引慣行として発生後短期間に支払われるものAccounts payable – ordinary transactions, paid in short term
通信衛星設備Communication satellite facilities
通信衛星設備(純額)Communication satellite facilities, net
通信交通費Communication and transportation expenses
通信設備使用料Communication facility fee
通信費Communication expenses
通知預金Deposits at notice
定期積金Installment savings
定期預金Time deposits
定期預金の純増減額(△は増加)Net decrease (increase) in time deposits
定期預金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in time deposits
定期預金の払戻による収入Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits
定期預金の預入による支出Payments into time deposits
抵当証券Mortgage securities
鉄軌道事業Construction in progress – railway (including tramway)
鉄軌道事業営業収益Operating revenue – railway (including tramway)
鉄軌道事業営業費Operating expenses – railway (including tramway)
鉄軌道事業営業利益Operating profit – railway (including tramway)
鉄軌道事業営業利益又は鉄軌道事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – railway (including tramway)
鉄軌道事業固定資産Non-current assets – railway (including tramway)
鉄道・運輸機構長期未払金Long-term accounts payable to Japan railway construction, transport and technology agency
鉄道・運輸機構未払金の返済による支出Redemption of accounts payable to Japan railway construction, transport and technology agency
鉄道施設建設受入寄附金Donations received for construction of railway facilities
鉄道施設購入長期未払金Long-term accounts payable – railway facilities
鉄道施設購入長期未払金の支払による支出Payments of long-term accounts payable – railway facilities
鉄道施設購入長期未払金利息Interest on long-term accounts payable – railway facilities
鉄道施設購入未払金Accounts payable – railway facilities
鉄道施設受贈財産評価額Assessed value of railway facilities received as donation
鉄道事業Construction in progress – railway
鉄道事業営業収益Operating revenue – railway
鉄道事業営業費Operating expenses – railway
鉄道事業営業利益Operating profit – railway
鉄道事業営業利益又は鉄道事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – railway
鉄道事業固定資産Non-current assets – railway
鉄道車両、自動車その他の陸上運搬具Railway, car and other land delivery equipment
鉄道線路使用料収入Trackage revenue
鉄道線路譲渡収入Sale of railroad line
天然ガス採取設備Natural gas gathering facilities
店舗賃借仮勘定Deposits for stores in preparation
店舗閉鎖損失Loss on store closings
店舗閉鎖損失引当金Provision for loss on store closings
店舗閉鎖損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on store closings
店舗閉鎖損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on store closings
店舗閉鎖損失引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for loss on store closings
転換社債Convertible bonds
転換社債の償還による支出Redemption of convertible bonds
転換社債の買入消却による支出Payments for retirement by purchase of convertible bonds
転換社債型新株予約権付社債Convertible bond-type bonds with share acquisition rights
電気温水器賃貸事業営業収益Operating revenue – electric water heater leasing business
電気温水器賃貸事業営業費用Operating expenses – electric water heater leasing business
電気供給施設利用権Right to use electricity supply facilities
電気事業営業収益Electric utility operating revenue
電気事業営業費用Electric utility operating expenses
電気事業固定資産Electric utility plant and equipment
電気事業雑収益Other electricity revenue
電気通信施設利用権Right to use telecommunication facilities
電気通信事業営業損益Operating revenue and expenses from telecommunications business
電気通信事業営業利益又は電気通信事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) from telecommunications business
電気通信事業固定資産Non-current assets – telecommunications business
電源開発促進税Electric power development promotion tax
電算機費Computer expenses
電子記録債権Electronically recorded monetary claims – operating
電子記録債権売却損Loss on sales of electronically recorded monetary claims
電子記録債務Electronically recorded obligations – operating
電信電話専用施設利用権Right to use telephone and telegraph facilities
電力費振替勘定(貸方)Transferred cost of electricity for construction and incidental business
電力料Commercial and industrial
電話加入権Telephone subscription right
電話加入権評価損Loss on valuation of telephone subscription right
土地圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of land
土地圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of land
土地圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of land
土地建物営業費Operating expenses – land and building
土地建物事業収入Revenue – land and building
土地建物賃貸収入Revenue – land and building lease
土地建物売上高Land and building sales
土地建物分譲収入Revenue – land and building sales in lots
土地再評価差額金Revaluation reserve for land
土地再評価差額金の取崩Reversal of revaluation reserve for land
土地売却益Gain on sales of land
土地売却損Loss on sales of land
土地売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of land
土地物件貸付料Revenue – land rent
土木設備Engineering facilities
土木設備(純額)Engineering facilities, net
投資その他の資産Investments and other assets
投資その他の資産Investments and other assets, gross
投資その他の資産Investments and other assets
投資その他の資産に属する資産に係る引当金Allowance – investment and other assets
投資その他の資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in other investments
投資その他の資産評価損Loss on valuation of other investments
投資活動としての資金運用による収入Proceeds from fund management as investing activities
投資活動によるキャッシュ・フローCash flows from investing activities
投資活動によるキャッシュ・フローNet cash provided by (used in) investing activities
投資顧問料Investment advisory fee
投資口の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of investment units
投資口交付費Investment unit issuance expenses
投資口交付費の支出Payments of investment unit issuance expenses
投資口交付費償却Amortization of investment unit issuance expenses
投資口公開関連費用Investment unit public offering expenses
投資事業組合からの分配による収入Proceeds from distributions from investment partnerships
投資事業組合運用益Gain on investments in investment partnerships
投資事業組合運用損Loss on investments in investment partnerships
投資事業組合運用損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on investments in investment partnerships
投資事業組合管理収入Income from investment partnership management
投資主資本Unitholders’ equity
投資主資本等変動計算書Statement of unitholders’ equity
投資収益Gain on investments
投資証券Investment securities
投資信託受益証券Security investment trust beneficiary securities
投資損失引当金Allowance for investment loss
投資損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in allowance for investment loss
投資損失引当金繰入額Provision of allowance for investment loss
投資不動産Investment property
投資不動産(純額)Investment property, net
投資不動産の取得による支出Purchase of investment property
投資不動産の賃貸による収入Proceeds from rental of investment property
投資不動産賃貸料Rental income from investment property
投資法人債Investment corporation bonds
投資法人債の償還による支出Redemption of investment corporation bonds
投資法人債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of investment corporation bonds
投資法人債発行費Investment corporation bond issuance costs
投資法人債発行費の支出Payments of investment corporation bond issuance costs
投資法人債発行費償却Amortization of investment corporation bond issuance costs
投資法人債利息Interest expenses on investment corporation bonds
投資有価証券Investment securities
投資有価証券の取得による支出Purchase of investment securities
投資有価証券の償還による収入Proceeds from redemption of investment securities
投資有価証券の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of investment securities
投資有価証券の売却及び償還による収入Proceeds from sales and redemption of investment securities
投資有価証券の払戻による収入Proceeds from repayments of investment securities
投資有価証券償還益Gain on redemption of investment securities
投資有価証券償還損Loss on redemption of investment securities
投資有価証券償還損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on redemption of investment securities
投資有価証券売却益Gain on sales of investment securities
投資有価証券売却益Gain on sales of investment securities
投資有価証券売却及び評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales and valuation of investment securities
投資有価証券売却損Loss on sales of investment securities
投資有価証券売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of investment securities
投資有価証券評価益Gain on valuation of investment securities
投資有価証券評価損Loss on valuation of investment securities
投資有価証券評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on valuation of investment securities
投資有価証券評価損戻入益Gain on reversal of loss on valuation of investment securities
投融資による支出Investments and loan advances
投融資の回収による収入Proceeds from divestments and collection of loans receivable
当期一部解約に伴う剰余金減少額又は欠損金増加額Decrease in surplus or increase in deficit from partial redemptions
当期一部解約に伴う剰余金増加額又は欠損金減少額Increase in surplus or decrease in deficit from partial redemptions
当期一部交換に伴う剰余金減少額又は欠損金増加額Decrease in surplus or increase in deficit from partial exchange
当期一部交換に伴う剰余金増加額又は欠損金減少額Increase in surplus or decrease in deficit from partial exchange
当期経常収益Ordinary revenue
当期経常費用Ordinary expenses
当期純利益又は当期純損失(△)Profit (loss)
当期商品及び製品仕入高Cost of purchased merchandise and finished goods
当期商品仕入高Cost of purchased goods
当期製品仕入高Purchase of finished goods
当期製品自家使用高Costs of gas for own use
当期製品製造原価Cost of products manufactured
当期追加信託に伴う剰余金減少額又は欠損金増加額Decrease in surplus or increase in deficit from additional subscriptions for period
当期追加信託に伴う剰余金増加額又は欠損金減少額Increase in surplus or decrease in deficit from additional subscriptions for period
当期変動額Changes during period
当期変動額合計Total changes during period
当期未処分剰余金Unappropriated retained earnings
当期未処分利益又は当期未処理損失(△)Unappropriated retained earnings (undisposed loss)
当座預金Current deposits
動力用水光熱費Power utilities expenses
道路建設関係社債Road-building bonds payable
道路建設関係社債償還による支出Redemption of road-building bonds
道路建設関係社債発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of road-building bonds
道路建設関係社債発行費Road-building bond issuance costs
道路建設関係長期借入金Long-term borrowings for road-building
道路資産完成原価Cost of sales of completed highway construction contracts
道路資産完成高Sales of completed highway construction contracts
道路資産賃借料Rent expenses on highway assets
匿名組合出資金Investments in silent partnerships
匿名組合出資金の払込による支出Payments for investments in silent partnerships
匿名組合出資金の払戻による収入Proceeds from withdrawal of investments in silent partnerships
匿名組合損益分配額Distributions of profit or loss on silent partnerships
匿名組合損益分配前税引前当期純利益又は純損失(△)Profit (loss) before distributions of profit or loss on silent partnerships and income taxes
匿名組合投資損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on investments in silent partnerships
匿名組合投資損失Loss on investments in silent partnerships
匿名組合投資利益Gain on investments in silent partnerships
特許権Patent right
特許権使用料License fee
特許実施権Right to use patent
特殊債券Special bonds
特定ガス導管工事償却準備金Reserve for depreciation of specified gas pipeline construction
特定ガス導管工事償却準備金の取崩Reversal of reserve for depreciation of specified gas pipeline construction
特定金融派生商品Trading-related financial derivatives
特定金融派生商品収益Income from trading-related financial derivatives transactions
特定金融派生商品費用Expenses on trading-related financial derivatives transactions
特定債務者支援引当金Provision for possible loss on support of specific borrowers
特定債務者支援引当金の増減(△)Increase (decrease) in provision for possible loss on support of specific borrowers
特定災害防止準備金Reserve for special disaster
特定災害防止準備金の取崩Reversal of reserve for special disaster
特定災害防止準備金の積立Provision of reserve for special disaster
特定資産の取得による支出Purchase of specific assets
特定資産の部Specific assets
特定資本金Specific shares
特定社債Specific bonds payable
特定社債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in specific bonds payable
特定社債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of specific bonds payable
特定社債発行費Specific bond issuance costs
特定借入れSpecific borrowings
特定取引による支出Payments for trading
特定取引による収入Proceeds from trading
特定取引資産Trading assets
特定取引資産の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in trading assets
特定取引資産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in trading assets
特定取引収益Trading income
特定取引売付債券Securities related to trading transactions sold for short sales
特定取引費用Trading expenses
特定取引負債Trading liabilities
特定取引負債の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in trading liabilities
特定取引負債の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in trading liabilities
特定取引未払金の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in trading accounts payable
特定取引有価証券Securities related to trading transactions
特定取引有価証券収益Income from securities and derivatives related to trading transactions
特定取引有価証券派生商品Derivatives of securities related to trading transactions
特定取引有価証券費用Expenses on securities and derivatives related to trading transactions
特定出資の発行Issuance of specific shares
特定出資の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of specific shares
特定出資申込証拠金Deposits for subscriptions of specific shares
特定出資申込証拠金又は特定出資払込金Deposits or paid-in advances for subscriptions of specific shares
特定出資中間配当額Interim dividends – specific shares
特定短期社債Specific short-term bonds payable
特定都市鉄道整備準備金Special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
特定都市鉄道整備準備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
特定都市鉄道整備準備金繰入額Provision of special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
特定都市鉄道整備準備金取崩額Reversal of special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
特定都市鉄道整備積立金Special reserve for expansion of railway transport capacity
特定約束手形Specific notes payable
特別勘定資産運用益Gain on separate accounts
特別勘定資産運用損Loss on separate accounts
特別勘定資産運用損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on separate accounts
特別寄附金の受入れによる収入Proceeds from special donations
特別修繕引当金Provision for special repairs
特別修繕引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for special repairs
特別修繕引当金繰入額Provision for special repairs
特別修繕引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for special repairs
特別償却準備金Reserve for special depreciation
特別償却準備金の取崩Reversal of reserve for special depreciation
特別償却準備金の積立Provision of reserve for special depreciation
特別償却積立金Reserve for special depreciation
特別償却積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for special depreciation
特別償却積立金の積立Provision of reserve for special depreciation
特別積立金Special reserve
特別積立金の取崩Reversal of special reserve
特別積立金の積立Provision of special reserve
特別損失Extraordinary losses
特別退職金Extra retirement payments
特別退職金の支払額Extra retirement payments
特別法上の引当金Reserves under special laws
特別法上の引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserves under special laws
特別法上の準備金Reserves under special laws
特別法上の準備金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in reserves under special laws
特別法上の準備金繰入額Provision of reserves under special laws
特別利益Extraordinary income
内燃力発電設備Internal combustion engine power production facilities
内燃力発電費Internal combustion engine power production expenses
入会金Admission fee
入会保証金Deposits on admission
入漁権Common of piscary
任意積立金Voluntary retained earnings
任意積立金の取崩Reversal of voluntary retained earnings
任意積立金の積立Provision of voluntary retained earnings
熱供給事業営業収益Operating revenue – heat supply business
熱供給事業営業費用Operating expenses – heat supply business
熱供給収益Revenue from district heating and cooling services
熱供給費用Expenses for district heating and cooling services
年会費収入Annual fee income
年金Annuity payments
年金支払による支出Annuity payments
年金特約取扱受入金Payments for deferred insurance
燃料費Fuel expenses
納入試験費Delivery examination expenses
派生商品取引等損益Profit and loss on dealing of derivatives
派生商品評価勘定Derivative evaluation account
破産更生債権等Distressed receivables
破産更生債権等(純額)Distressed receivables, net
破産更生債権等の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in distressed receivables
配送費Distribution expenses
配電設備Distribution facilities
配電費Distribution expenses
配当引当積立金Reserve for dividends
配当引当積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for dividends
配当引当積立金の積立Provision of reserve for dividends
配当株式Dividends stock
配当金の支払額Dividends paid
配当準備金Reserve for dividends
配当準備金の取崩Reversal of reserve for dividends
配当準備金の積立Provision of reserve for dividends
配当準備積立金Reserve for dividends
配当準備積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for dividends
配当準備積立金の積立Provision of reserve for dividends
配当積立金Reserve for dividends
配当積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for dividends
配当積立金の積立Provision of reserve for dividends
配当平均積立金Reserve for dividend equalization
配当平均積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for dividend equalization
配当平均積立金の積立Provision of reserve for dividend equalization
買為替Purchase – foreign exchange
買掛金Accounts payable – trade
買換資産圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of replacement assets
買換資産圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of replacement assets
買換資産圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of replacement assets
買換資産積立金Reserve for property replacement
買換資産積立金Reserve for property replacement
買換資産積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for property replacement
買換資産積立金の積立Provision of reserve for property replacement
買建通貨オプションPurchased currency options
買現先勘定Receivables under resale agreements
買現先利息Interest on receivables under resale agreements
買取債権Purchased receivables
買取債権回収高Proceeds from purchased receivables
買取受益権Acquired beneficiary right
買取受益証券Acquired beneficiary securities
買入外国為替Foreign bills bought
買入金銭債権Monetary claims bought
買入金銭債権の取得による支出Purchase of monetary claims bought
買入金銭債権の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in monetary claims bought
買入金銭債権の売却・償還による収入Proceeds from sales and redemption of monetary claims bought
買入指名金銭債権Nominative monetary claims bought
買入手形Bills bought
買入手形利息Interest on bills bought
買付品売上原価Cost of indent sales
買付品売上高Indent sales
売為替Sales – foreign exchange
売掛金Accounts receivable – trade
売掛金(純額)Accounts receivable – trade, net
売却借入有価証券Sales of securities borrowed
売建通貨オプションSold currency options
売現先勘定Payables under repurchase agreements
売現先利息Interest on payables under repurchase agreements
売上割引Sales discounts
売上割戻引当金Provision for sales rebates
売上原価Cost of sales
売上高Net sales
売上債権の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in trade receivables
売上債権売却損Loss on sales of trade receivables
売上総利益Gross profit
売上総利益又は売上総損失(△)Gross profit (loss)
売上値引及び戻り高Sales allowance and returns
売店収入Revenue – stand
売電収入Electricity sale income
売渡外国為替Foreign bills sold
売渡手形Bills sold
売渡手形利息Interest on bills sold
売買損益Net gain on trading
売買目的有価証券Trading securities
売買目的有価証券の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in securities – trading
売買目的有価証券運用益Gain on trading securities
売買目的有価証券運用損Loss on trading securities
売買目的有価証券及び1年内に満期の到来する有価証券Securities – trading and matured within one year
売付債券Bonds sold
売付商品債券Trading securities sold for short sales
売付有価証券Securities sold for short sales
発行日取引差入証拠金Guarantee deposits for when issued transaction
発行日取引受入保証金Guaranteed deposits received for when issued transaction
発送費Shipment expenses
半成工事Partly-finished work
半製品Semi-finished goods
半製品売上高Sales of semi-finished goods
販売手数料Sales commission
販売促進引当金Provision for sales promotion expenses
販売促進引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for sales promotion expenses
販売促進費Promotion expenses
販売土地及び建物Land and buildings for sale
販売費Selling expenses
販売費及び一般管理費Selling, general and administrative expenses
販売用土地評価損Loss on valuation of land for sale
販売用不動産Real estate for sale
販売用不動産の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in real estate for sale
販売用不動産評価損Loss on valuation of real estate for sale
番組制作費Program production expenses
番組費Program expenses
非支配株主からの払込みによる収入Proceeds from share issuance to non-controlling shareholders
非支配株主との取引に係る親会社の持分変動Change in ownership interest of parent due to transactions with non-controlling interests
非支配株主に帰属する当期純利益又は非支配株主に帰属する当期純損失(△)Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests
非支配株主に係る包括利益Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests
非支配株主への配当金の支払額Dividends paid to non-controlling interests
非支配株主への払戻による支出Repayments to non-controlling shareholders
非支配株主持分Non-controlling interests
非連結子会社との合併に伴う現金及び現金同等物の増加額Increase in cash and cash equivalents resulting from merger with unconsolidated subsidiaries
評価・換算差額等Valuation and translation adjustments
不動産圧縮積立金Reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of real estate
不動産圧縮積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of real estate
不動産圧縮積立金の積立Provision of reserve for tax purpose reduction entry of real estate
不動産圧縮損Loss on tax purpose reduction entry of real estate
不動産管理事業営業収益Operating revenue – real estate management business
不動産関係費Real estate expenses
不動産関連費Real estate related expenses
不動産事業Construction in progress – real estate
不動産事業営業収益Operating revenue – real estate
不動産事業営業費Operating expenses – real estate
不動産事業営業利益Operating profit – real estate
不動産事業営業利益又は不動産事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – real estate
不動産事業固定資産Non-current assets – real estate
不動産事業支出金Costs on real estate business
不動産事業受入金Deposits received – real estate business
不動産事業収入Revenue – real estate
不動産事業総利益又は不動産事業総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – real estate business
不動産事業等総利益又は不動産事業等総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) on real estate business and other
不動産事業等売上原価Cost of sales in real estate business and other
不動産事業等売上高Net sales in real estate business and other
不動産事業売上原価Cost of sales in real estate business
不動産事業売上原価Cost of sales – real estate
不動産事業売上高Sales in real estate business
不動産事業未収入金Accounts receivable – real estate business
不動産事業未払金Accounts payable – real estate business
不動産収入Real estate income
不動産信託受益権Beneficial interests in real estate trust
不動産賃借料Rent expenses on real estate
不動産賃貸原価Cost of real estate lease revenue
不動産賃貸原価Rental costs on real estate
不動産賃貸原価Cost of real estate lease revenue
不動産賃貸事業営業収益Operating revenue – real estate leasing business
不動産賃貸事業営業費用Operating expenses – real estate leasing business
不動産賃貸事業収入Revenue – real estate leasing
不動産賃貸収入Real estate lease revenue
不動産賃貸収入Rent revenue – real estate
不動産賃貸費用Real estate lease expenses
不動産賃貸費用Rental expenses on real estate
不動産賃貸料Rental income from real estate
不動産賃貸料Rent revenue from real estate
不動産等売却益Gain on sales of real estate properties
不動産等売却損Loss on sales of real estate properties
不動産売上原価Cost of sales – real estate
不動産売上高Real estate sales
不動産売上総利益又は不動産売上総損失(△)Gross profit (loss) – real estate sales
不動産販売事業収入Revenue – real estate sales
付帯事業Construction in progress – incidental businesses
付帯事業営業収益Operating revenue – incidental businesses
付帯事業営業費Operating expenses – incidental businesses
付帯事業営業利益Operating profit – incidental businesses
付帯事業営業利益又は付帯事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) – incidental businesses
付帯事業固定資産Non-current assets – incidental businesses
敷金Leasehold deposits
敷金の回収による収入Proceeds from refund of leasehold deposits
敷金の差入による支出Payments of leasehold deposits
敷金及び保証金Leasehold and guarantee deposits
敷金及び保証金の回収による収入Proceeds from refund of leasehold and guarantee deposits
敷金及び保証金の差入による支出Payments of leasehold and guarantee deposits
敷金及び保証金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in leasehold and guarantee deposits
普通社債発行及び償還による増減(△)Increase (decrease) in straight bonds – issuance and redemption
普通出資金Common shares
普通預金Ordinary deposits
負ののれんNegative goodwill
負ののれん償却額Amortization of negative goodwill
負ののれん発生益Gain on bargain purchase
負債及び純資産の部Liabilities and net assets
負債純資産Liabilities and net assets
附帯業務事業収入Receipts from incidental operating revenue
附帯業務事業損益Incidental operating revenue and expenses
附帯業務事業費支出Incidental operating expenditure
附帯業務事業利益又は附帯業務事業損失(△)Incidental operating profit (loss)
附帯事業営業収益Incidental business operating revenue
附帯事業営業損益Operating revenue and expenses from incidental business
附帯事業営業費用Incidental business operating expenses
附帯事業営業利益又は附帯事業営業損失(△)Operating profit (loss) from incidental business
附帯事業固定資産Incidental business facilities
附帯事業固定資産Non-current assets – incidental business
附帯事業固定資産Incidental business facilities
附帯事業収益Revenue from incidental businesses
附帯事業設備Facilities for incidental businesses
附帯事業売上Incidental businesses sales
附帯事業売上原価Cost of sales in incidental businesses
附帯事業費用Expenses for incidental businesses
附帯事業流動資産Current assets for incidental businesses
副産物売上高Sales of by-products
福利厚生費Welfare expenses
複合金融商品評価益Gain on valuation of compound financial instruments
複合金融商品評価損Loss on valuation of compound financial instruments
複合金融商品評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on valuation of compound financial instruments
物品売却益Gain on sales of goods
物品売却損Loss on sales of goods
物品販売業収入Revenue – goods sales
分割型の会社分割による減少Decrease by corporate division – split-off type
分譲事業原価Cost of sales in residential property sales business
分譲事業売上原価Cost of sales in residential property sales business
分譲事業売上高Sales in residential property sales business
分譲土地Land for sale in lots
分譲土地建物Land and buildings for sale in lots
分配金の支払額Distributions paid
分配準備積立金取崩し額Reversal of reserve for dividends
分配準備積立金積立額Provision of reserve for dividends
別途積立金General reserve
別途積立金の取崩Reversal of general reserve
別途積立金の積立Provision of general reserve
変電設備Transformation facilities
変電費Transformation expenses
返品調整引当金Provision for sales returns
返品調整引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for sales returns
返品調整引当金繰入額Provision for sales returns
返品調整引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for sales returns
保安対策引当金Provision for safety measures
保安対策引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for safety measures
保管費Storage costs
保管有価証券Securities in custody
保管有価証券等Securities in custody
保険引受収益Underwriting income
保険引受費用Underwriting expenses
保険解約損Loss on cancellation of insurance policies
保険解約損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on cancellation of insurance policies
保険解約返戻金Surrender value of insurance policies
保険業法第112条評価益Gain on valuation under article 112 of Insurance Business Act
保険業法第113条繰延額Deferred expenses under article 113 of Insurance Business Act
保険業法第113条繰延資産Deferred assets under article 113 of Insurance Business Act
保険業法第113条繰延資産償却費Amortization of deferred assets under article 113 of Insurance Business Act
保険金Insurance claims
保険金の支出Insurance claims
保険金の受取額Proceeds from insurance income
保険金支払による支出Insurance claims payment
保険金据置支払による支出Purchase of deferred annuity payments
保険金据置支払金Deferred annuity payments
保険金据置受入金Proceeds from deferred insurance
保険金等支払金Insurance claims and other
保険契約準備金Reserve for contract of insurance
保険契約準備金Reserve for insurance policy liabilities
保険差益Gain on insurance claims
保険事務手数料Commission for insurance office work
保険積立金Insurance funds
保険積立金の解約による収入Proceeds from cancellation of insurance funds
保険積立金の積立による支出Purchase of insurance funds
保険積立金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in insurance funds
保険積立金の払戻による収入Proceeds from maturity of insurance funds
保険代理店事業収入Revenue – insurance agency
保険配当金Dividend income of insurance
保険返戻金Insurance return
保険返戻金Gain on maturity of insurance contract
保険約款貸付Policy loans
保険料Insurance expenses
保険料Insurance premiums
保険料の収入Insurance premiums revenue
保険料等収入Insurance premiums and other
保険料等収入Insurance premiums revenue and other
保守売上原価Cost of sales of maintenance service
保守売上高Sales of maintenance service
保証工事引当金Provision for construction warranties
保証工事引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for construction warranties
保証債務積立金Reserve for guarantee obligations
保証債務積立金Reserve for guarantee obligation
保証債務積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for guarantee obligations
保証債務積立金の積立Provision of reserve for guarantee obligations
保証債務弁済Performance of guarantee obligations
補助金の受取額Subsidies received
補助金の受入れによる収入Proceeds from subsidies
補助金収入Subsidy income
補償金の受取額Proceeds from compensation
募集・売出し・特定投資家向け売付け勧誘等の取扱手数料Fees for offering, secondary distribution and solicitation for selling and others for professional investors
募集・売出しの取扱手数料Offering and secondary distribution fees
募集手数料Subscription fee
募集等受入金Deposits for subscription
募集等払込金Cash paid for offering
募集等払込金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in cash paid for subscription
募集費Offering expenses
包括信用購入あっせん収益Revenue from credit card business
包括利益Comprehensive income
包括利益計算書Statement of comprehensive income
報酬及び給料手当Remuneration, salaries and allowances
抱合せ株式消滅差益Gain on extinguishment of tie-in shares
抱合せ株式消滅差損Loss on extinguishment of tie-in shares
抱合せ株式消滅差損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on extinguishment of tie-in shares
放送収入Income from broadcasting business
放送費Broadcasting expenses
法人税、住民税及び事業税Income taxes – current
法人税及び住民税Income taxes – current
法人税等Income taxes
法人税等の還付額Income taxes refund
法人税等の更正、決定等による納付税額又は還付税額Income taxes – correction
法人税等の支払額Income taxes paid
法人税等の支払額又は還付額(△は支払)Income taxes (paid) refund
法人税等還付加算金Interest on refund of income taxes
法人税等還付税額Refund of income taxes
法人税等調整額Income taxes – deferred
法人税等調整額Income taxes – deferred
法定福利及び厚生費Legal and other welfare expenses
法定福利費Legal welfare expenses
本社移転費用Head office relocation expenses
本部費Head office expenses
本来業務事業収入Receipts from primary operating revenue
本来業務事業損益Primary operating revenue and expenses
本来業務事業費支出Primary operating expenditure
本来業務事業利益又は本来業務事業損失(△)Primary operating profit (loss)
満期返戻金Maturity refunds to policyholders
満期返戻金の支出Maturity refund payment
未決済為替借Domestic exchange settlement account, credit
未決済為替貸Domestic exchange settlement account, debit
未収委託者報酬Accrued investment trust management fee
未収運賃Railway fares receivables
未収運用受託報酬Accrued management fee
未収営業貸付金利息Accrued interest of operating loans
未収還付法人税等Income taxes receivable
未収金Accounts receivable
未収原子力損害賠償資金補助金Accounts receivable – nuclear power compensation subsidy
未収原賠・廃炉等支援機構資金交付金Grants-in-aid receivable from Nuclear Damage Liability and Nuclear Reactor Decommission Facilitation Fund
未収収益Accrued income
未収消費税等Consumption taxes receivable
未収消費税等の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in consumption taxes refund receivable
未収入金Accounts receivable – other
未収入金Accounts receivable
未収入金(純額)Accounts receivable, net
未収入金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable – other
未収入金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable
未収配当金Accrued dividends receivable
未収配当金Accrued dividend receivable
未収保険料Accrued premiums
未収保証料Accrued guarantee
未収保証料の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in deferred guarantee fee
未収利息Accrued interest
未成業務支出金Costs on service contracts in progress
未成業務受入金Advances received on service contracts in progress
未成業務受入金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in advances received on service contracts in progress
未成工事支出金Costs on construction contracts in progress
未成工事支出金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in costs on construction contracts in progress
未成工事支出金等Costs on construction contracts in progress
未成工事支出金等の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in costs on construction contracts in progress
未成工事受入金Advances received on construction contracts in progress
未成工事受入金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in advances received on construction contracts in progress
未着原材料Raw materials in transit
未着商品Goods in transit
未払委託者報酬Investment trust management fee payable
未払解約金Redemption payable
未払外国為替Foreign bills payable
未払株式払込金Unpaid share subscription
未払金Accounts payable – other
未払金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accounts payable – other
未払金及び未払費用Accounts payable – other, and accrued expenses
未払金及び未払費用の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accounts payable – other, and accrued expenses
未払債務の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities
未払使用済燃料再処理等拠出金Contribution payable for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
未払事業所税Accrued business office tax
未払手数料Unpaid commission
未払酒税Accrued alcohol tax
未払受託者報酬Trustee fee payable
未払収益分配金Unpaid dividends
未払償還金Unpaid redemption
未払消費税等Accrued consumption taxes
未払消費税等の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption taxes
未払賞与Accrued bonuses
未払賞与の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accounts payable – bonuses
未払人件費の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accounts payable – personnel expenses
未払税金Accrued taxes
未払代理店手数料Accrued agency commission
未払配当金Dividends payable
未払配当金除斥益Gain on forfeiture of unclaimed dividends
未払費用Accrued expenses
未払費用の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses
未払分配金Distributions payable
未払分配金戻入Reversal of distributions payable
未払法人税等Income taxes payable
未払法人税等(外形標準課税)の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in income taxes payable – factor based tax
未払又は未収消費税等の増減額Decrease/increase in consumption taxes receivable/payable
未払役員報酬Remuneration payable for directors (and other officers)
未払利息Accrued interest expenses
無形固定資産Intangible assets
無形固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of intangible assets
無形固定資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of intangible assets
無形固定資産除却損Loss on retirement of intangible assets
無形固定資産除売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales and retirement of intangible assets
無形固定資産償却費Amortization of intangible assets
無形固定資産売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of intangible assets
名義書換手数料Name transfer fee income
役員に対する長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from directors (and other officers)
役員に対する保険積立金Insurance funds for directors (and other officers)
役員株式給付引当金Provision for share-based remuneration for directors (and other officers)
役員株式給付引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for share-based remuneration for directors (and other officers)
役員株式給付引当金繰入額Provision for share-based remuneration for directors (and other officers)
役員及び従業員に対する長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from directors (and other officers) and employees
役員賞与引当金Provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers)
役員賞与引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers)
役員賞与引当金繰入額Provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers)
役員賞与引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers)
役員退職慰労引当金Provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
役員退職慰労引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
役員退職慰労引当金繰入額Provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
役員退職慰労引当金戻入額Reversal of provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
役員退職慰労金Retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
役員退職慰労金の支払額Payments of retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
役員退職積立金Fund for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)
役員退職積立金Reserve for retirement allowance for directors (and other officers)
役員退職積立金の取崩Reversal of reserve for retirement allowance for directors (and other officers)
役員退職積立金の積立Provision of reserve for retirement allowance for directors (and other officers)
役員等短期債権Short-term receivables from directors and other
役員等短期債権(純額)Short-term receivables from directors and other, net
役員等短期借入金等Short-term borrowings from directors and other
役員等長期借入金Long-term borrowings from directors and other
役員等長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from directors and other
役員等長期貸付金(純額)Long-term loans receivable from directors and other, net
役員報酬Remuneration for directors (and other officers)
役員報酬及び給料手当Remuneration, salaries and allowances for directors (and other officers)
役職員等長期貸付金Long-term loans receivable from directors, employees and other
役職員等長期貸付金(純額)Long-term loans receivable from directors, employees and other, net
役務取引等収益Fees and commissions
役務取引等費用Fees and commissions payments
役務収益Service revenue
約束手形Promissory note
約定見返勘定Trade date accrual
約定見返勘定の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in trade date accrual
約定済未決済特定取引調整額Adjustment of unsettled trading accounts
優先資本金Preferred shares
優先出資の発行Issuance of preferred shares
優先出資の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of preferred shares
優先出資引受権証書Preferred equity securities on deeds
優先出資金Preferred shares
優先出資証券Preferred equity securities
優先出資申込証拠金Deposits for subscriptions of preferred shares
優先出資申込証拠金又は優先出資払込金Deposits or paid-in advances for subscriptions of preferred shares
優先出資中間配当額Interim dividends – preferred shares
有価証券の取得による支出Purchase of securities
有価証券の純増減額(△は増加)Net decrease (increase) in short-term investment securities
有価証券の償還による収入Proceeds from redemption of securities
有価証券の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in short-term investment securities
有価証券の売却・償還による収入Proceeds from sales and redemption of securities
有価証券の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of securities
有価証券の売却及び償還による収入Proceeds from sales and redemption of securities
有価証券引渡票支払金Deposit for due bill
有価証券引渡票受入金Deposit received for due bill
有価証券運用益Gain on investments in securities
有価証券運用損Loss on investments in securities
有価証券運用損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on investments in securities
有価証券関係損益(△)Loss (gain) related to securities
有価証券関係損益(△は益)Loss (gain) related to securities
有価証券及び投資有価証券の取得による支出Purchase of short-term and long-term investment securities
有価証券及び投資有価証券の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of short-term and long-term investment securities
有価証券及び投資有価証券の売却及び償還による収入Proceeds from sales and redemption of short-term and long-term investment securities
有価証券及び投資有価証券売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of short-term and long-term investment securities
有価証券及び投資有価証券評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on valuation of short-term and long-term investment securities
有価証券借入料Borrowing fee on securities
有価証券償還益Gain on redemption of securities
有価証券償還損Loss on redemption of securities
有価証券償還損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on redemption of securities
有価証券貸借取引受入金Cash received on debt credit transaction of securities
有価証券貸付料Charge on securities loaned
有価証券担保借入金Borrowings secured by securities
有価証券担保借入金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in borrowings secured by securities
有価証券担保貸付金Loans secured by securities
有価証券担保貸付金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in loans secured by securities
有価証券担保貸付金及び有価証券担保借入金の増減額Decrease/increase in loans/borrowings secured by securities
有価証券等引渡未了勘定Accounts for non-delivered securities and others
有価証券売却益Gain on sales of securities
有価証券売却損Loss on sales of securities
有価証券売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of securities
有価証券売買益Gain on securities transactions
有価証券売買損Loss on securities transactions
有価証券売買等損益Profit and loss on buying and selling of securities and other
有価証券評価益Gain on valuation of securities
有価証券評価減Loss on valuation of securities
有価証券評価損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on valuation of securities
有価証券未収金Accounts receivable – securities trading account
有価証券未払金Accounts payable – securities trading account
有価証券利息Interest on securities
有価証券利息Interest income on securities
有価証券利息Interest on securities
有価証券利息・配当金Interest and dividends on securities
有形及び無形固定資産Plant and equipment, and intangible assets
有形及び無形固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
有形及び無形固定資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
有形及び無形固定資産処分損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
有形及び無形固定資産除却損Loss on retirement of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
有形及び無形固定資産除売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales and retirement of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
有形及び無形固定資産売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
有形固定資産Property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産Property, plant and equipment, gross
有形固定資産(純額)Property, plant and equipment, net
有形固定資産の取得による支出Purchase of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産の除却による支出Payments for retirement of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産の売却による減少額Decrease in property, plant and equipment due to sale
有形固定資産の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産関係損益(△は益)Loss (gain) related to property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産処分損Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産処分損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産除却損Loss on retirement of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産除売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales and retirement of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産廃棄損Loss on abandonment of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産売却益Gain on sales of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産売却損Loss on sales of property, plant and equipment
有形固定資産売却損益(△は益)Loss (gain) on sales of property, plant and equipment
有利息預け金の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in interest-bearing due from banks
遊園事業収入Revenue – play garden
融資関連費用Borrowing related expenses
融資手数料Borrowing expenses
融資収益Financing revenue
融資代行収益Loan agency revenue
預け金Deposits paid
預け金Due from banks
預け金(現金同等物を除く)の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in due from banks (excluding cash equivalents)
預け金(日銀預け金を除く)の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in due from banks (excluding due from Bank of Japan)
預け金(預入期間三ヶ月超)の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in due from banks (over 3 months)
預け金の純増(△)減Net decrease (increase) in due from banks
預け金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in deposits paid
預け金利息Interest on deposits with banks
預り金Deposits received
預り金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in deposits received
預り金及び受入保証金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in deposits and guarantee deposits received
預り証拠金Customers’ deposits received for commodity futures transaction
預り証拠金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in customers’ deposits received for commodity futures transaction
預り証拠金代用有価証券Securities received as customers’ deposits for commodity futures transaction
預り敷金及び保証金Leasehold and guarantee deposits received
預り敷金及び保証金の受入による収入Proceeds from leasehold and guarantee deposits received
預り敷金及び保証金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in leasehold and guarantee deposits received
預り敷金及び保証金の返還による支出Refund of leasehold and guarantee deposits received
預り保証金Guarantee deposits received
預り保証金の受入による収入Guarantee deposits received
預り保証金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in guarantee deposits received
預り保証金の返還による支出Refund of guarantee deposits received
預り連絡運賃Inter-line fares received
預り連絡料金Inter-line fares received
預金の純増減(△)Net increase (decrease) in deposits
預金払出による支出Payments for withdrawal of deposits
預金利息Interest on deposits
預金利息支出Payments for interest expenses for deposit
預託金Cash segregated as deposits
預託金Cash and deposits required to be segregated under regulations
預託金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in cash segregated as deposits
預貯金の純増減額(△は増加)Net decrease (increase) in cash and deposits
預貯金利息Interest on deposits
利益の配当Dividends from profit
利益準備金Legal retained earnings
利益準備金の取崩Reversal of legal retained earnings
利益準備金の積立Provision of legal retained earnings
利益剰余金Retained earnings
利益剰余金から資本剰余金への振替Transfer from retained earnings to capital surplus
利益超過分配Distributions in excess of earnings
利益超過分配金の支払額Distributions paid in excess of earnings
利息の支払額Interest paid
利息の受取額Interest received
利息及び配当金の受取額Interest and dividends received
利息及び配当金収入Interest and dividend income
利息及び配当金等の受取額Interest and dividends received
利息及び配当金等収入Interest, dividends and other income
利息返還損失引当金Provision for loss on interest repayment
利息返還損失引当金の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on interest repayment
利息返還損失引当金繰入額Provision for loss on interest repayment
立替金Advances paid
立替金の増減額(△は増加)Decrease (increase) in advances paid
立替金及び預り金の増減額Decrease/increase in advance paid/deposits received
流通事業収入Revenue – merchandise
流動資産Current assets
流動資産に属する資産に係る引当金Allowance – current assets
流動負債Current liabilities
旅客運送収入Passenger transportation revenue
旅客運輸収入Passenger transportation
旅行業営業費Operating expenses – travel
旅行業収入Revenue – travel
旅費Travel expenses
旅費・交通費Travel and transportation expenses
旅費及び交通費Travel and transportation expenses
旅費及び通信費Travel and communication expenses
旅費交通費Travel and transportation expenses
旅費交通費及び通信費Travel, transportation and communication expenses
料金収入Fare receipts
臨時損失Non-recurring loss
臨時利益Extraordinary profit
臨時利益Non-recurring income
劣後特約付社債の償還による支出Redemption of subordinated bonds
劣後特約付社債の発行による収入Issuance of subordinated bonds
劣後特約付社債及び新株予約権付社債の償還による支出Redemption of subordinated bonds and bonds with share acquisition rights
劣後特約付社債及び新株予約権付社債の発行による収入Proceeds from issuance of subordinated bonds and bonds with share acquisition rights
劣後特約付借入れによる収入Increase in subordinated borrowings
劣後特約付借入金の返済による支出Decrease in subordinated borrowings
連結の範囲の変更に伴う現金及び現金同等物の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resulting from change in scope of consolidation
連結の範囲の変更を伴う子会社株式の取得による支出Purchase of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation
連結の範囲の変更を伴う子会社株式の取得による収入Proceeds from purchase of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation
連結の範囲の変更を伴う子会社株式の売却による支出Payments for sales of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation
連結の範囲の変更を伴う子会社株式の売却による収入Proceeds from sales of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation
連結の範囲の変更を伴わない子会社株式の取得による支出Payments from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in change in scope of consolidation
連結の範囲の変更を伴わない子会社株式の売却による収入Proceeds from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in change in scope of consolidation
連結子会社の減少による非支配株主持分の増減Decrease in consolidated subsidiaries – non-controlling interests
連結子会社の合併による現金及び現金同等物の増減額(△は減少)Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resulting from merger of consolidated subsidiaries
連結子会社の増加による非支配株主持分の増減Increase in consolidated subsidiaries – non-controlling interests
連結子会社の増資による持分の増減Capital increase of consolidated subsidiaries
連結子会社株式の取得による持分の増減Purchase of shares of consolidated subsidiaries
連結子会社株式の売却による持分の増減Sales of shares of consolidated subsidiaries
連結除外に伴う現金及び現金同等物の減少額Decrease in cash and cash equivalents resulting from exclusion of subsidiaries from consolidation
連結貸借対照表Consolidated balance sheet
連結範囲の変動Change in scope of consolidation
連結範囲の変動に伴う為替換算調整勘定の増減Change in scope of consolidation – foreign currency translation adjustment
和解金Settlement package
和解金の支払額Settlement package paid
和解金の受取額Settlement package received