
<最高難度の語彙や日本人にはレアな語彙での金融翻訳> メニューの第2回は、exuberanceeuphoriafrenzy を取り上げたい。
これらはすべて 「熱狂」 「高揚感」 を意味する。
例えば、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)元議長アラン・グリーンスパン氏が、1996年12月に、株価の上昇に対し、「根拠なき熱狂irrational exuberance)」 という言葉で警鐘を鳴らしたことが有名だ。

現在で言えば、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による経済危機、つまり、コロナショックにより大打撃を受けている金融・経済を救済するため、各国中央銀行が金融緩和を実施し、主要国政府が緊急経済対策を行なっている中、これらはおよそ 1,300兆円規模のマネーとして金融市場に流れ込むこととなり、過剰流動性によるバブルが懸念されている。連日、米主要株価指数などは最高値更新し、「狂乱相場」 、「過度の熱狂」 などの投資家のマインドを描写するフレーズが新聞の見出しに踊っている。
そのためにも exuberanceeuphoriafrenzy は必修語彙である。


exuberance = 活況、熱狂、高揚感、過熱感
euphoria = 根拠のない過度の幸福感、高揚感、過度の楽観、ユーフォリア、陶酔感、熱
frenzy = 熱狂、狂乱、極度の興奮状態

として、ほとんど同様のコンテキストにて活用され、その過剰な高揚感では同じであるが、frenzy がもう一段狂乱的ではある。

Oxford Dictionary: the quality of being full of energy, excitement and happiness
Cambridge Dictionary: the quality of feeling energetic, or the behaviour of someone who feels this way
Longman Dictionary: happiness and full of energy and excitement

Oxford Dictionary: an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement that usually lasts only a short time
Cambridge Dictionary: extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular situation
Longman Dictionary: an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement which usually only lasts for a short time

Oxford Dictionary: a state of great activity and strong emotion that is often violent or frightening and not under control
Cambridge Dictionary: uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent
Longman Dictionary: a state of great anxiety or excitement, in which you cannot control your behaviour

以上、frenzy がより、violent で、uncontrolled のニュアンスが強調されているのがわかる。英和辞典ではなく、英英辞典でないと、このような微妙な差は理解できないはずだ。

それでは、この exuberance、euphoria、frenzy を使った筆者によるオリジナル模範翻訳で、さらに応用力創造力発想力を高めるための実践練習をしておこう。

※ 原文の内容はすべて筆者のオリジナルである。日々世界で起こる膨大な情報ソースを基にしての着想により、金融、経済、社会情勢、あるいは数値などを含め、筆者独自の言葉で創作したnon-fiction  (ノンフィクション) もあれば、fiction (フィクション) もある。

※ 翻訳の難易度を高める趣旨により意図的に日本文を長くしていることもある。







“Irrational exuberance" means investor enthusiasm that makes asset prices shoot higher to prices not justified by the fundamentals.






The term “irrational exuberance” was uttered by former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan in a 1996 speech, “The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society."

“But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the past decade?"





Even commodities, such as oil, as well as copper are rising, despite hefty supplies. What is behind all of this synchronized exuberance?





Booming equity prices have been greatly driving one gauge of Wall Street exuberance towards levels not seen since immediately before the bursting of the dotcom bubble in 2000.







US equity markets run-up has pushed major indexes ever higher to the levels last seen in 2000, when the dot-com bubble began to burst, with many more publicly traded stocks in the US showing harbingers of investor euphoria.





Global stock markets tanked on Wednesday on euphoria over the new US administration’s spending plans giving way to concerns that its final fiscal stimulus package could be pared down in order to get it through Congress.





The ongoing rally has been powered by mammoth fiscal and monetary stimulus, including very low interest rates or asset-buying program, carried out by central banks and governments around the world, as well as optimism over its outcomes, yet, such optimism may soon shift to euphoria.







Amid  IPO frenzy, the ex-unicorn has priced its initial public offering at $70 per share, well above its target range, which is a sign of investor confidence in its home-sharing business, as well as the potential recovery of the travel industry at large. The reinstatement of lockdowns, however, will lead to a challenging end to the year.





The inclusion of the visionary electric automaker into the benchmark S&P 500 Index, widely regarded as the best single gauge of large-cap US stocks, sent its shares, which went through wild swings in the midst of trading frenzy, roaring to a new high.





Private debt, including any debt held by or extended to privately held companies and also involving entities outside the regular banking system providing loans to private companies, has become an increasingly hot topic for fund managers who desire to build a fee-rich asset class, in particular, when their traditional businesses are struggling. Be warned, however, that the ongoing boom in such non-bank lending is likely to soon develop into an irrational frenzy.


本稿内、筆者のオリジナル模範翻訳および金融メディア等からの用例は 金融翻訳例文集:最高難度の語彙や日本人にはレアな語彙での金融翻訳 に、さらに本ブログ内すべての筆者による模範翻訳等は、金融翻訳・全項目800例文集 に網羅している。
